Lake Pleasant conditions

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A few of my buddies are going up the Friday after thanksgiving...Do you think Scorpion bay will be divable??? Would love to give it a try!!! Thanks....
According to G&F, the level went up another 3' in the past week. If it does that over the next couple of weeks, you might be able to. I think the lake level needs to be within 20-25' of full so that we can enter and exit Scorpion Bay. I'll be there this weekend and I'll swing by and see where it's at. I'll post a report by next Monday.
Thanks Rob....I will be waiting for your report.... Looking forward to doing another dive with everyone again....
Went to Pleasant today to do some recon (did not dive). I think the lake still needs to rise another twenty five feet or so to make Scorpion Bay diveable from shore. According to Frank at the visitor center, they are actually pumping water out of the lake due to some high demand for water downstream (confirmed by checking real time operations on CAP's website) Click on "Wadell Dam Operations" button. Not sure when they will start pumping water in again.

Seemed to be some bubble blowing going on at Scorpion Bay (with the help of a Zodiac), Dirty Shirt (out on the point) and Desert Tortoise ( I must make friends with the guy watching the Ohio State-Michigan game in his RV during his SI):eyebrow:
Thanks for the Recon report krcollins and Welcome to the Board :D

Talked to a buddy at the lake today and he said, the water level is up only about 3' since Halloween (and going down as you pointed out) from in-water observations, it's about 30' down right now, needs to be around 20' down for a so-so entry/exit into Scorpion Bay. Viz report from Desert Tortoise is up to 15'. I'm sure he'll post a more complete conditions report by Monday or so.

Here it is...the long awaited update...

We did a Rescue Diver course at Lake Pleasant this weekend (which went great - we have 2 new Rescue Divers!!!), so underwater time was minimal (about 1.5 hours). But we did get some data during that time. :D

We set up camp off of Desert Tortoise Rd in the cove to the right just before you see the 1702' water level sign. Visibility was at least 15'. Water temp was 65 degrees on Saturday and 66-67 degrees on Sunday. We only got a max depth of 28' during one of the dives and felt no thermocline. We didn't see any fish, but we were doing scenarios so we might have spooked them off. We did hear lots of fish jumping at night. Unfortunately, we were all so tired after a long day of hard work that no one was up for a night dive. :frown: We also had some very courteous boaters in the cove. Two party barges came into the cove and we heard one yelling to the other to watch out because there were divers in the water and pointing to our buoy. I don't know who the boater was but we THANK you!!!!

We did head over to Scorpion Bay Sunday after we completed the course. Entry is now possible! But we need about 2 more feet of water to make exits possible. :frown: The entry/exit point at that time won't allow divers to enter and exit at the same time due to the narrow "walkway", but it will be possible. We'll be back at the lake in 2 weeks beginning an open water class and will check it out again with another update. Even with the water pumping out, I think we just might get our 2 feet. Let's keep our fingers crossed! it may not be ready for this Friday yet??? I will be up there Friday so just wondering do we head over to Desert Tortoise or Scorpion Bay????
Reef Man: it may not be ready for this Friday yet??? I will be up there Friday so just wondering do we head over to Desert Tortoise or Scorpion Bay????
They are close enough where you can drive to both check them both out and decide for yourself, or rather check out Scorpion Bay first, Desert Tortoise is always diveable somewhere, but less interesting IMO. Is sounds as if it's at the point where it could go either way depending on water flow this week. You'll just have to make the call yourself when you get there.

I have never been there don't know what to expect or why it is not I can drive there but not sure what to look for??? Or the reason you can get in but not out????
Reef Man:
I have never been there don't know what to expect or why it is not I can drive there but not sure what to look for??? Or the reason you can get in but not out????
Well you can giant stride in, but you can't giant stride out :D, it's basically a wall, think of it like diving off a boat with no ladder, no problem getting wet from a few feet up, it's getting back on board where you'll have a problem. I'm guessing the water level's about 2' below the lowest decent exit point right now, based on Rob's description.


Here's what it looks like when the water level is up another 10' or so, plenty of places to crawl out...

Here could be what your looking at trying to exit now, maybe a bit less vertical, rock climbing specialty anyone?? Actually I've dove it about like this, see the pic above in the top left, I crawled up that incline on all fours, that was the last time I dove it this year.

Just for fun...[not me]

Pictures courtesy

See that tree (bush) in the top right hand corner of the 2nd picture, that is where the water level will be when the lake is full, the top of the wall will be in 20'!

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