Lake Jocassee update

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November is spotty at best.

December is slow.

January they close off the diver's ramp for fish stocking and "repairs."

February through March is usually to chilly for most wetsuit divers. Those with drysuits may be seen.

Last year they actually closed off the boat ramp from part of November through to the beginning of Feb so FYI plan accordingly as they do not mention this on their website.
Our group of 7 had two great dives today at the Ramp. We dove 34 mix and stayed in the trees most of the time b/w 75-100' . Nice vis and if you stayed about 92' you were above the "cool" thermocline. Saw 2 catfish in the trees on dive 1 and 8 catsfish in the trees on dive two.
Graveyard was great. 20+ viz at 135', 50F.

The wall was nice at 95'. Temp was 60F. Viz was 15-20' over the wall. At the junk, too many divers had mucked it up. Viz was like 8'.
I got in 2 good dive today . My dive buddy for the day was David (alabamaexile)We stayed around the 60' limit . We got ther at 7:10am only 2 trucks w/boat trialers in the lot . We suited up and got in. I was surprised to see that the viz was so limited for being the first in the water for the day viz was around 10' to 15' got better as you got deeper. We seen lots of fish. lots of bass med, small and large ones. some catfish , Especially the inquisitve one the came over to us and swam around me and the ventured off. I showed David around around took him to the boanes family. Second dive I turned the dive over to David to leed and go were he wanted to. Sorry I didn't see you Jeremy ,onebaddago,diveprof.

Here is my dive data for the day

Dive 1: in the water 7:58am
surface temp 74*
at 60' 77*
viz: depth 5' to 30' was 10' to 15'
depth 40' to 60' opened up to 20'+
bottom time 50 minutes
max depth 61'
Dive 2: In the water at 10:03am
viz was a lot lower do to a lot of OW students
at 60' viz was like dive one
bottom time 47 minutes
surface temp. 79*
60' 77*
max depth 62'
Anybody plan on being around tomorrow? I haven't dove Jocassee in a while and I wouldn't mind hooking up with someone a little more familiar than myself with the sites.
Yes, I was a safety diver. I was to be stationed and waiting at 180', but the group was ahead of schedule and I met them at 120'.

I just spoke to one of the divers that was diving rebreather that day. He got stuck diving with our OW class on their 1st dive on his RB :wink:
I just spoke to one of the divers that was diving rebreather that day. He got stuck diving with our OW class on their 1st dive on his RB :wink:

Charles, Luc or Steve?
Charles, Luc or Steve?

Yes :)

I see Charles and Luc quite often on weekends. Don't see Steve much (don't know if I met him but probably did). Both Charles and Luc are VERY friendly people and always willing to answer questions about their units.
So we arrived at the boat ramp at around 11:30 and it was completely packed. We had to wait 15-20 minutes for a parking spot. I found out my wrist computer's battery was dead so I had to swap out my SPG for a spare one I have with a computer in it. I also found out that the tank I was using for the first dive only had 2700 psi in it.

For the first dive we dove AL-super 80s, my wife in her 5mm and me in my 5mm hooded shorty. We entered and swam to the left from the boat ramp and hung out in the shallows to look for some bass hiding out. Visibility was a paltry 5 feet in the shallows up near the bank. We came upon several bass hiding out in the rock formations further down the shore, then we encountered an area where visibility dropped severely so we headed towards 30-40 ft water, and visibility cleared up. We hit the American flag, some random blue flag and then a PVC buoyancy structure, so we swam through it a couple times and then out of curiosity traveled down the line from it for a bit and turned at 88 ft depth as we were not going to head to the forest; vis was 30 ft at this turn-point. We headed up an offshoot line to the boat which lies in 40' of water and then ascended to the guardrail (~20'). We headed to the boat ramp to search for the fish for a few minutes and then do our gradual swim to shallow water and then to the surface. While hanging out on the boat ramp I took out both 2 lb weights from their pockets and I was still neutral, even with the AL super 80.

Dive 1 Stats:
Max depth 88ft
Temp at Depth 73 degrees
Run-time 47 minutes

After an hour and 45 minute surface interval we were back in the water with 2 steel-95s and I was now in my 5mm full suit. This dive we planned to follow the line to the edge of the forest. We dropped down to the guardrail and then to the boat. We hung out at the Bones Family as there were thousands of freshly hatched fish. Vis had seemed to clear up a bit at this depth (40'). We went to the buoyancy PVC and and followed the line to the edge of the forest, vis was not as good as earlier, maybe 15-20 ft. There was a noticeable thermal at 92' so we turned once we hit the edge of the forest at 94' depth and headed to about 80 ft then we headed south to hit the airplane wing.We noted seeing one of the guys with a re breather solo diving down the line to the forest. We stayed at the airplane wing for what felt like 10 minutes, I brought some discarded PVC frames over and stood them upright in the silt. Then 2 catfish came out of the forest to visit us and we harassed them with our lights for a few more minutes. Then I noticed several fish taking refuge underneath the wing; they stood out iridescent in my light. Vis at the wing was approx 30'. We then headed southwest towards the trampoline but found that vis dropped considerably so we dropped down to about 60' where vis was good as we traveled around the hill. We arrived at the large platform near the trampoline and I began to have issues with my ears, so stayed above the platform for 3 minutes and then I could clear. While hanging out on the platform we saw the man with the re breather come by for a visit. We went down to the boat at 60ft and played with the wheelchair on the boat.We then headed shallower to the boat ramp to view the fish and do an extended safety stop and gradual ascent to the surface along the boat ramp. On the safety stop we were greeted by several small-mouth bass as well as what appeared to be a carp and several bluegill.

Dive 2 Stats:
Max Depth: 94 ft
Temp at Max depth: 68 F
Run-time: 56 minutes

We did 1:15 Surface interval and then headed back in the water for our 3rd dive of the day. This dive we used AL-Super80s. We headed down the boat ramp and then to the first platform. There were 3 largemouth bass hanging around the platform, so we followed them around for a few minutes. We headed to the deeper platform and were amazed and thrilled to see a 5-lb largemouth bass underneath the platform. We both went underneath and approached it and it stayed until we were 2 feet from it then it swam off, into a big circle and returned to be underneath the platform. On second approach the fish refused to abandon his post, so we left for the trampoline and back to the boat at 60'. On the boat there were hundreds of tiny iridescent fish taking refuge on the man made structure presently lying on the silty bottom. After observing the fish for a few minutes we headed towards the bone family to investigate the wildlife at that end of the cove. We were again shocked to find that the school of thousands of tiny fish had doubled. We made our way back to the guardrail and noted several bass along the way. We rounded the boat-ramp and Tina gave me the thumb so we headed up the ramp for safety stop and surfacing.

Dive 3 Stats:
Max Depth: 62'
Temp at Max Depth: 75 F
Run-time: 46 minutes

All-in-all a great day of diving and perfect weather to be outside.

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