Lake Jocassee update

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You sure they were not Co2 headaches? I get them more often than not if task loading

It could also be due to something in the air you were given. Did you both get your air/tanks from the same source?
You sure they were not Co2 headaches? I get them more often than not if task loading
I am pretty sure. I usually don't get headaches after diving. I typically make two or three dives a trip(sometimes more)!:D I will not say I have never had one because I have(seemed to be more common on air to me)! :shocked2:They usually go away with a surface interval, some water, and snacks.

This headache was extremely painful like a knife sticking from the back of my skull to my eyeball. Light seemed to make it worse for me. As soon as I hit ambient light on the surface and while packing my gear it went from bad to worse.

Also as soon as I felt the headache coming on I tried to make sure I was exhaling as fully as possible thinking it might be an increase in co2! I was on 38% nitrox too and it was no help(see earlier comment about air)! So.......:popcorn:

True. True.

As to CO2...not me: Lack of sleep + dehydration= bad idea diving. The fix was drinking water and a good night's sleep.
That was my thinking too. Only mine was more like a migraine. I was out all day Saturday with friends until midnight. I drank less water and was up way to late(midnight). I am usually in the bed by 10 on dive nights. Then factor in light breakfast, no lunch, and only a light snack between dives. Could equal potential headache later for me(has done it in the past but not when diving)!:depressed:

The cure for me was a long nap in the dark!

It could also be due to something in the air you were given. Did you both get your air/tanks from the same source?

I think it's highly unlikely. The first two dives were done with other tanks(rented for the dives)and the last one was with my own tank.

They had no funny taste or odor that I could tell. With that being said, someother none detectable substance could have been in there.(I still doubt it because my dive buddy for the day had no issues.)

I am thinking migraine still.
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It could also be due to something in the air you were given. Did you both get your air/tanks from the same source?

I got my Air from Lake Jocassee Dive Shop. Air smelled fine. Had a very small and manageable headache before the dives started.
Dive report for Fri. 13 and Sat.14
I got of work early Fri. Went home loaded up the car and headed to Tony's house to meet him there . I arived ther at 1;20 pm Tony had not arrive from his work . I only waited foe a couple minutes till he arived . We loaded up his truck with all our gear and headed for Jocassee. A couple hours later we arrive at Jocassee . We go in to the parks wecome center to check on a camp sight .(Tonyhad called earlier in the week tolled that we cpuld not reserve a camp sight for 1 night , we would have to get ther and get one if any was available for that night . They all so sad they didn't think we would have any problem getting a sight.) Well ges what we were told that all sight were full . Don't beleave all you are tolled over the phone > good thing we had a plan B. So we headed to the ramp to get in a dive befor we go to plan B We got to the ramp by 4:00 oclock suited up and was in the water by 4:40 . The water was real nice 81* F by my computer .We went down to thr first plat formand adjust our gear . we went on down to see the bones famly . We seen the flag that some one had added . I don't know if the flag was put ther upsighd down for distress or it fell over? We went down one line to fence like structure 74' and turned the dive . went back to the first platform and found the line that went to the surface bouy. I turnd afer a wlittle bit I wasn't quite shure at the time were it was taking us we finished the dive at the ramp looking in all the craks and broken concreat . the dive was a good dive . we were under for 74 minutes. we seen how late it was so Tony looked up hotel close by on his phone . We found one in Senrca the Days Inn
It ws a nice hotel . Sat. we were both up early so we laoded up the truck and went down to the Lobby got some coffe and a muffin talked alittle and headed to the Off The Wall shop to get all the papper work done and some of our tanks filled be for the crowed all got ther . When we gott there the was one othere truck the a couple Tech. divers getting there gear out. all the shop employees got there. They had to use the shop work platform boat to haul tanks and some gear . To much weigt for one boat Finally. we did what we needed to do checked our nitrox tanks and headed to get a parking place. Guess what ? Ya you guessed it no parking had to park over in the picnic area . Tony called the shop to let them know that all the other divers would need to do the same. The boat came picked us up over by the picnic area. We got to the wal ther was 3 Scuba Shop boats and 2 other dive charter boats and some privet boats . we got our gear on and in the water viz was a little on the poor sighd 10' or so our dive planwas to drop over the wall to around 95' and do a zig zag pattern back up the wall . Coming up 10' or so at a time . We just reached the down line that was attached to a submerged bouy went a huge carp swam between Tony and me he was in a hurry to get some where caught both of us off guard .I think the carp's tail fin hit Tony's face and mask . We went down to 105' and started our zig zag seen a lot of realy cool rock formations . once we reached the top of the wall we swam over to the junk, looked around and saw the broke back bass . He seemed to be doing pretty good . I found a green rubber snake inside the junk . I saw Tony out side on the port side breaking clams to feed the blue gill . I took the oppertunity to catch to off guard . I stuck the snake out the window and wiggled it just in front of him . I caught him off gaurd he was not ready he gave me the finger and finished feeding the fish. I looked and seen that I was at my end of dive gas limit . signaled and we wam back to the bouy line and started our acent I reach my safty stop . I was ther for about 1 minute . A group of 3 other diver bumped in to me ass they where coming up . I nolong had any room it was like a bumper car ride . I let go ove the line and just hovereed off to the side and let them fight it out for the line and space . I reached the surface and waied for Toney to finnish is safy stop.
we sat and talked to all the other divers on the boat as the boat was moved over to Krakens beach. we finished our surface interval . We dropped dow went over the wall to about 75' swam over to the left (as you face the wall)and found the earth fault (big crack) realy cool swam around the wall checking all the little spots somthing mite hide in , nothing . I notice that I was getting down to my turn point in air so we went back up and fallowed a lin up on the sandy area we were joind a local resident (a very larg bass ) he was with in 3' of us , we tried to feed him some vienna sausage. he was not interested in them just us he hung out with is for a while, then disappeared over the wall. at this point time to go back to the boat .
got back on the boat and talked to the other divers and put our gear away and headed back to the ramp . We talked to 2 gentelmen from Athens that Toney had been PMing on scuba Board alabamaexile and his friend Scott. The wanted to dive the ramp and we were going to get in a dive or 2 in after we got our gear of the boat . We met them over at the ramp . Put a dive plan together . They would tag along with us. so we could show them what there was to see . the dive was realy good I lead most of the dive then at the end myself and Scott was getting low on air So Tony lead us back (by way of short cut )we wanted to make sure Scott diddent run oyt of are As this was the first time we had dove together . dive ended we were all alive and smiling and had air to spare .:D We did that LONG WALK UP THAT RAMP god I hate that walk I guess we do what we got to do :idk: . we survived the walk and took off our gear . talked toour new dive buddies from Athens . They injoied the dive we injoied the dive We planed a future dive at some point (as long as we call get our sceduales to match) Thanks alabamaexile and Scott for letting us show you around the ramp. amd thanks to my dive buddy Tony for a nother great weekend of diving .


Dive #1
water temp: surface temp 84* f
to 30' 81*f
depth 74' was 75*f
Max depth : 74'
average depth: 34.49'

viz was not the best but ok 10' at the platforms opened up at 50' to about 20'+

bottom time was 74 minutes (1:14)
weatgher was over cast.

DIVE #2 (sAT.14TH)

Water temp. : Surface temp. 81*f
to 30' 75* f
depth 105' 68*f
Average depth 65.45'

viz was 10' to 15' at the junk over the wall was 20' to 30'+


WATER TEMP: Surface temp 84* f
to 30' 75*f
84' was 68* f
MAX Depth 84'
average depth 45.75'

Viz was 20'+ over the wall viz was 25' to30'

Dive #4

water temp. surface temp 84*f
30' 75*f
84' was 68*f
Max depth: 84'
average depth : 39.64'
viz was bad ther was a lot of diver all day water was realy mukked up 5' to 10' to the platforms past 50' the viz opped up to 20'+

I was on Bill's boat in the afternoon. We missed each other by a hair. I would have come over to the ramp earlier, but I had to work. I plan on being up at Jocassee Saturday afternoon. You and Tony want to come up and get in a few dives?
Thanks again to Krawlings and Tony_Webb for showing me and my buddy around the dive ramp yesterday. The viz may have sucked but it was fun diving with you guys and I look forward to doing it again soon.

I was on Bill's boat in the afternoon. We missed each other by a hair. I would have come over to the ramp earlier, but I had to work. I plan on being up at Jocassee Saturday afternoon. You and Tony want to come up and get in a few dives?

Sorry we missed you again!:shakehead: I should have posted/pm'ed you we were coming up but it was all thrown together last minute. I responded to a few pm's last week but did not play on SB to much and it slipped my mind.
(old timers:shocked2: setting in early)

Thanks again to Krawlings and Tony_Webb for showing me and my buddy around the dive ramp yesterday. The viz may have sucked but it was fun diving with you guys and I look forward to doing it again soon.

Nice diving with you guys too!

We need a plan?

We need to plan a day when we all(scubaboard peeps and anyone else) can get together and kick up the silt around the boat ramp and then have a long surface interval with some hot dogs and hamburgers! Then another dive(or two) after the silt settles!

I will volunteer to be the first into the water to silt it up so no one else can see(oh and I will blame it on the OW students who showed up for check out dives :mooner:!) Then I can start the grill:popcorn:.
I plan on being up at Jocassee Saturday afternoon. You and Tony want to come up and get in a few dives?

I will not be able to make it on Saturday!:shakehead: Thanks for the invite again. Maybe Ken can?:idk:

Sorry, I forgot to respond in the last post and I just noticed it.

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