You should be weighted neutral at 13 feet. From edge of pool at deep end, with reg and bc mounted on cylinder:
1. put fins on left arm using the fin straps
2. place weight belt on left arm or over cylinder between valve and bc
3. put mask on left arm using mask strap
4. grasp bc by collar or handle (if you have one)
5. stand at pool edge with feet slightly over lip
6. take three slow deep breaths emphasizing the exhale
7. equalize and take a giant stride looking at the horizon while swinging the cylinder out
8. keep toes points and settle to bottom while pulling cylinder up to your chest
if you have problems sinking, exhale (you can hold your breath for 30 seconds? )

10. assume sitting position, clear regulator and equalize again
11. don equipment
There are a few variations of this that may or may not work better for you. This will be taught during the advanced pool session later in the course.
BTW, you shouldn't try this without an instructor.