Glad to hear you're all looking forward to ADP! I went through it myself in 2003 and loved it! In fact you'll probably see me at some of the beach dives, as all ADP alumni are welcome to come and do fun dives (but you can't join the classes or interfere), and join the bbqs afterward.
Some tips:
- You'll need two tanks. All the beach days are two-tank days, so if you can borrow a friend's tank(s), do so. A lot of people also decided to just rent for those days. It also makes things a lot easier if the two tanks are of the same type so you don't have to change your weighting when you swap tanks. Make sure your tanks have current vis and hydro dates of course.
- You'll also need a float. It's an LA County ordinance (believe or not, and it's obviously not enforced), and it's an LA County program, so you will be required to have and use a float for the course. I borrowed an inner-tube float and then, with the help of the LA County instructors, later made my own out of an old boogie board!

You will be given a couple of weeks to get a float, so you might want to check out the instructors' boogie board floats and decide which one you want to get/make.
- Don't stress about the swim tests. Watermanship is an important part of the LA County scuba programs, but as someone mentioned earlier, you will have several opportunities to make up a test. It's a good idea to hit the pool regularly even during ADP. You'll be a better and more comfortable diver if you have good watermanship skills than if you don't. Karl Huggins, the Director of the USC Hyperbaric chamber, is a frequent lecturer at ADP and tells this story about a guy who was treated in the chamber (I think he was fine afterward), and described himself as a "non-swimming diver". Apparently he would deflate his BC to descend, and then inflate to ascend. No wonder he needed the chamber.
- Get out those bbq recipes! The beach dive days are usually followed by a cookout. Be prepared to consume as many (if not more) calories than you burn! Family and friends are invited to come to the bbq, and each bbq will have a different culinary theme. And it's also nice to have a comfy fold-up camping chair for those bbqs.
- Buy stock in a sunscreen company

. Always wear sunscreen.
- It is not uncommon to lose gear during surf entries and exits. Mark all your gear with phone numbers if you wish. May not do much good, so be prepared to consider lost gear a sacrifice to Mother Ocean.
The instructors are great guys and gals, and they will work with you if you have any scheduling conflicts. The LA County program has an amazing history behind it. It is really where recreational scuba diving got started.
Happy diving, and I'll see you at ADP!