Know one of these guys?

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We have one the best here , he is a Cave diver/rescue diver/trimix/cave instructer etc etc diver , but he lost or left his cards in storage and for some odd reason just took a Padi AOW class a couple weeks ago. A week before i got my EAN cert he was telling me that it can kill you to swap between air and EAN for repetitive dives
When I was about 5 years old, I told the neighbor kid that I was strong enough to lift the house, if I could only get a good grip on it. :wink:
So, you're one of "them" too!?!?! LOL
It's funny. When I was first getting into diving not too long ago, a friend at work was telling me stories of his 'career' in diving. He used to run cocaine from South America to Florida via airplanes he'd set on autopilot and kick the stuff out. He'd then jump from the aircraft with scuba and swim to shore. Well, he DID spend some time in the state pen, but I found out it was for something other than trafficking.

Some of his airplane stories were a hoot to listen to. Being a pilot myself, I found it quite hard to believe a C-182 could mid-air refuel. I just chalked that up to embellishment.

When I started taking my SCUBA classes, I realized that Argon or Hydrogen doesn't make for a good breathing mixture. This is what he claims to have used while recovering his bales of cocaine from 80m depth.

Oh, by the way, he learned how to scuba while fighting the VC in 1982. :D
Seals were wimps! I was a walrus, we ate seals for lunch.:10:

steele, it prolly seemed like a good idea to use argon or hydrogen after seeing if the cocaine was of appropriate quality!
Wow, you are the Walrus. Funny I'm the Eggman, Ku-Ku-ach-cooo.

Maybe we an have our own "A" team. But no singing! OK?

We're hijacking a perfectly good thread...
There are 3 in one shop! Geo, Raf and Lair in a local shop. All three are the greatest divers in their own minds. Two of em actually own the shop... ROFL... The third was trained by them and is now an SSI Dive Con! Listen to this story... it's hilarious.

One day I was teaching a class at the local quarry and Lair is there to go diving. He is by himself (mind you he hasn't been diving that long... but these guys made him a Dive Con because everyone else {with a brain - myself included} left the shop.) So I'm standing up on the hill and I see Lair getting ready to go diving by himself. He had just gotten his Nitrox cert and I noticed that he had Nitrox stickers on his tank. I yelled down to him "Hey Lair, what are you doing? You're not going out there by yourself are ya?" "Hell yeah" he replied, "I'll be alright, I'm just trying out some Nitrox, I'll be back in 10 minutes."

Well that was funny enough to me... since the quarry is only about 45 feet deep and diving for 10 minutes on Nitrox to see "what it's like," makes absolutely no sense at all. But who am I to stop him or say anything?

So I'm standing there watching him and he's flailing away on the surface, fins and arms flapping in what appears to be an attempt to descend. I happened to notice that his BC was fully inflated, so I yelled down to him "Lair, What the hell are you doing." He replied "I can't get down." So I yelled back "Try letting some air out of your BC!" He looked back at me and realized he had a full BC of air. Never once had he tried deflating the BC in the entire time I was watching him. Finally he reached for the deflator and began letting air out of his BC. He still was not able to get down. A few minutes later he comes walking up the hill all dejected.

"Lair," I said, "what's wrong, you're not going diving?" He looks at me with a straight face and says, "Geo said Nitrox would make me more bouyant, but I didn't think it would be that much... hell, I added 4 lbs and still couldn't get down."

Sarcasm coming: Needless to say I did everything I could to keep a straight face... as I told him... "Yeah, That's why I don't dive Nitrox, I have to wear an extra 10 lbs to get down."

This is a dive leader... so for all you newbies... keep in mind, just because they are supposed to know what they're doing... doesn't mean they do

Happy Diving!

You know the type, every community has one. He's an average diver who up to now has done nothing special but for some reason has become the local dive guru. SAC rate...he has the lowest, dive skills...superior, if you don't believe it just ask him:wink:

As a matter of fact those that have only heard of him are more impressed than those who actually know him. You can look up to many people in the dive industry but the legitimate ones are always the most modest and unassuming. The type of guy I'm describing is the type who if it wasn't for self-promotion would get no promotion at all:wink:

These guys are comical.

Any comedian's in your area of the country?

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