Key fob solution?

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Dryfob is a no brainer and a proven solution for electronic fob's... I love mine! But..... I'd have to also say that every vehicle should also come with a simple non electronic key. Back in the "old" days on Bonaire it was just so simple to put my truck key and my room key on a neck chain and just leave them there for the trip. Sometimes new tech just sucks. The current trend seems to be......."If it ain't broken, fix it until it is"
Has anyone tried using a vacuum food sealer to vacuum seal the key fob? The buttons should still be useable. With the air removed it shouldn’t be a buoyancy issue and they can simply be put in a pocket.
Seal it at home before leaving?
I just put the key in the rim of the truck. If someone wants in they will get in no point in risking the key
I like the fact that my Pilot has a removable metal key inside the fob that can be used to lock/unlock the door. I can leave the fob in the car and put the key in my pocket.

Same for my Prius, but if I leave the fob near the front doors, they will open for whoever tries the door.

I have to put the fob all the way in the depth of the trunk. If i put it near the trunk opening , the trunk will open.
what I do with my cars

as I don't seem to be able to get any answers here
This is a good question worthy of continuing an aging topic.

I dive dry in California. I have wrapped the FOB for a Kia Niro in aluminum foil and hidden in the car. I dove with the physical key hung around my neck. Fine, that works. I dump my gear and unzip and pop the neck off the drysuit to get at the physical key. Seems archaic.

However, I also have recently been diving with the entire fob hung around my neck in an inadequate but thick plastic zip thingy. As such, I experience the wonderful joy of walking up to the car after a dive and having it unlock as I approach the tailgate door, sitting down and releasing gear. No fussing, but there is a small risk of water intrusion.

Dryfob is a faraday cage, so it will not scratch the itch. I am looking for a more robust plastic thing. I am willing to take the risk for drysuit diving which is mostly dry.

Dryfob does seems to be a decent solution for wetsuit diving On Oahu a decade ago. I tried shore diving with a primative keyfob from a rental car. I wrapped it in two ziplock bags and when I surfaced the fob was wet. Not soaked, but wet. I toweled the fob, pulled the battery out and set the fob to dry on the hood for an hour. The thing worked miraculously. Today I would use a dryfob.

For drysuit diving here in the PNW, I just leave the FOB in the truck and have a valet key in my undergarment pocket. Probably could just dive with the fob but why chance it.

For tropics / warm water.... I use a Zeagle Stiletto BC that has rear trim pockets on one of the two camstraps. My back mount pony lives on the starboard side and my Dryfob along with a two lb soft weight lives in the port side trim pocket.

PS.... Don't forget to have anything valuable marked with name and number!



This is a good question worthy of continuing an aging topic.

I dive dry in California. I have wrapped the FOB for a Kia Niro in aluminum foil and hidden in the car. I dove with the physical key hung around my neck. Fine, that works. I dump my gear and unzip and pop the neck off the drysuit to get at the physical key. Seems archaic.
Why even bother locking a KIA? Don't they come from the factory with a "Please steal this car" sticker on the Windows? :)
Couple of suggestions you can do. Buy yourself a Dry Fob, which are really good btw. I use one. You can also use an old Underwater Kinetics dive light like a C8. They can hold lots of stuff inside. I have one and chopped off the handle so its a canister now. Put a snap bolt on it and clip it on your bcd or put in your pocket. Stores keys, cash etc.....

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