Just curious, but why, women? Why?

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Too bad he's already taken. A man who cleans bathrooms is a rare find.
we borrow make-up and combs.

any more stupid questions?

Ewww - gross. That's a guarenteed way to share real personal things you may not want to share. :)

you sound a little anal there, FFL Diver. (you're not a squatter, are you?)
you sound a little anal there, FFL Diver. (you're not a squatter, are you?)

Despite the best efforts of all the females in the house, this lone male still proudly stands, sprays and leaves every toilet seat in the position it was made to left - up.

Speaking of squatters versus sitters, my wife has recently been bemoaning the fact that with her bad knee she can no longer squat, but has to sit. The visual of her laying a protective layer of toilet tissue around a toilet seat in a public place always sends me into giggles and usually earns me a blistering glare and an arm punch if I'm within reach.

I really am not too squeamish...so I sit, because squatters "spray" and I really don't appreciate a wet seat---that does get to me.

Gots to love the seat covers found in the civilized world.
We can talk about that later. Right now, I have to go clean the bathroom.

That would be a thing of the past if you had the new Denco Pee Guard herb...
We used to have a sign in our coed restroom that read "We aim to please, now please aim, too".

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