Just curious, but why, women? Why?

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Hey, Catherine, if you can hula, you could probably do it.

well... not to go into too much detail, but we were really drunk one night...

women can sort of do it ... it's hard to control aim, though

you kinda have to move your body instead of aim

think of men as a fire hose

think of women as a crop-duster plane
It probably helps to wear rubber boots!
Ooooh, the visuals, make them stop, make them stop!!
well, I am the woman who goes in the men's room if the line is too long. ..

This isn't directed at you Catherine, but this reminded me of a comedian I heard recently who said something like "Why is it that women are always complaining that the line at the restroom is too long? Did it ever occur to them that if they didn't all go together there would be no line?"

Boy this thread got big fast!
I understand about men writing their names in the snow, it's just that Catherine said something to the effect that she doesn't do it. I'm just saying she underestimates her abilities.

It definitely zoomed right over your head.
:sigh: well, walter. please explain. if it went over her head, it went over mine....and I know you are dyin to splain it. My nana would not appreciate her picture associated with this thread....
Catherine, if it was in your handwriting you must have been holding the "pen".
Diver Dennis:
Catherine, if it was in your handwriting you must have been holding the "pen".

Oh, I got that part. I was way beyond that with my post.:wink:
This thread has really made quite a "splash!" Almost a "stream" of consciousness sort of thing... LOL

President Bush walks out on the back porch of the White House one snowy morning, and sees written in urine in the snow: "Bush is a big dummy." He's furious and calls his secret service men in, demanding that they get to the bottom of the incident. A couple of days later, his top agent returns and says, "Mr. President, I have some bad news for you: The urine was tested and found to be that of the Vice President." Bush is crushed, he lays his head down on his desk and moans, "Oh no... My most trusted friend! This is horrible!!" The agent continues, "Mr. President, I have some more bad news: The writing was Laura's."


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