Just curious, but why, women? Why?

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He protests too much - closet squatter.

Hee hee Walter, you may well be right.
Not since I was two. Got a time-out for that. No toidy in the closet, bad bad! :wink:

Hey, I'm not saying there aren't valid reasons. If you are old and frail, shaky, severe ADD.......

I had a discussion with the woman I worked with and we decided her boyfriend had been emasculated by his mother and sisters as a child.

How about bad aim?
evidently,.... I got too big for my britches.

I do like men that are housetrained. I try to make it up to them. They never have to do laundry or dishes. No housework for my guy. I never had one that did diapers either....just one simple request..put the seat down and bring home a check.

Exactly where were you when I had kids?!?? No diapers? No housework? I'll do anything you like with that stupid toilet seat!
With the amount of practice we get, there's no excuse for bad aim. These guys are only a 'head' above the squatters in my book. In fact, they are probably squatters and haven't realize it.
With the amount of practice we get, there's no excuse for bad aim. These guys are only a 'head' above the squatters in my book. In fact, they are probably squatters and haven't realize it.

We are sitters, not squatters. You toilet must be hung low. :D

My daddy came home from Okinawa when I was four and was extremely bent that my brother was a squatter. He was two or something.... I recall my parents having these yelling fights about this and my mom screaming that he was two, and my dad saying some really ridiculous stuff. I remember thinking at that age..."wow, these people are nuts, better be careful and get the hell out of here the first chance I get."

Evidently, re-entry phenomena is now studied by social scientists and perhaps they were having other control issues....

herbman, do you have control issues, or something dark in your past?

My daddy came home from Okinawa when I was four and was extremely bent that my brother was a squatter. He was two or something.... I recall my parents having these yelling fights about this and my mom screaming that he was two, and my dad saying some really ridiculous stuff. I remember thinking at that age..."wow, these people are nuts, better be careful and get the hell out of here the first chance I get."

Let's talk about your brother...... :wink:
With the amount of practice we get, there's no excuse for bad aim. These guys are only a 'head' above the squatters in my book. In fact, they are probably squatters and haven't realize it.

True herb. A rifle is a lot more accurate than a snub nosed 38.
well, you were calling me a straddler for awhile, dave, so......I just think we should explore your past.

actually, I am very fortunate since my man never misses and his socks are lined up evenly in the drawer. A neatfreak. The Marines does a very nice job with men, I've decided.

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