Just curious, but why, women? Why?

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<laughing> Yes it does...
Ive always imagined.... mmm, nevermind!

haha, funny cuz I just went to Vancouver for a party this last night. Went with two girl friends. We all had to stop for a pee breaks.... wouldntcha know it, one went in, then while i was standing with my other friend, friend in the bathroom comes out and grabs friend im with! *sigh* Perhaps we were not ment to know! Just funny again thought becuase I overheard the guy at the front talking about it with a customer when they went in. I just smiled and laughed!

im done!
Why do women go to the lavatory in little herds? What's up with that? If one of them is going to have a sprinkle or launch a sea pickle, do they really need/want an audience? Do they all stand around and wait for the accompanying sound effects and yell out, "Whoa! Good one!"

I mean really.. What's up with that?

Excuse me Franko dear but I have observed MEN doing the herding thing too, try again :shakehead
He protests too much - closet squatter.

Not since I was two. Got a time-out for that. No toidy in the closet, bad bad! :wink:

Hey, I'm not saying there aren't valid reasons. If you are old and frail, shaky, severe ADD.......

I had a discussion with the woman I worked with and we decided her boyfriend had been emasculated by his mother and sisters as a child.
you know, the garage...where you are king of your world. (why did my husband leave me?)

If you run beers out there every now and again, I could maybe figure out the toilet seat thing.

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