July 17th - 2 tank Night dive

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At the shallow site we hit the jackpot, juv. black frog fish, tons of tiny crabs, imperial nudibranch, devil scorpion, a pretty sandworm, another slipper lobster, undulated moray, zebra moray and a very good looking dragon moray (he was out about a foot) and was watching us watch him...Lots of squirll fish, lots and lots of hawaiian spoted toby's of all sizes, we found a big redlip parrotfish...just sitting there with out a mucus mantal....that was interesting....and lots of other more common fishies.

Doggone it - you saw a dragon moray?! Another one of those elusive critters that I've been dying to see but have yet to find.

Sounds like you guys had a great time. Catherine posted some nice pics.
OH! I did see one more new thing - a bright orange nudibranch...can't find it in the book. It has a smooth surface, and changes shape as it moves.. Goes from skinny to fat as it chugs along. In the more round state it was somewhere between nickel and quarter size. Anybody ever see something like that?
sounds like you saw a lot of variety. Good job putting a great dive together.

Aloha, Tim
Well wasn't that just fun!?!....This was a first for me, diving off a boat where pretty much everybody knew everybody - lots of joking around and having fun :D. We had some new people join our group - It was great meeting you Randy and friend (I'm so bad, she told me her name 3 times....I remember it starts with a K and ends with an i though....:() Bill and Chris - hope this was the first of many dives together!!

Everyone got there in a timely fashion and we were able to leave on time. Caught the shallow mooring on the way out and headed for the Sea Tiger. There we were treated to banded coral shrimp, flameback coral shrimp (a first for me), cushion starfish, slipper lobster, eels, several schools of fish and an itsy-bitsy tiny pink-tinged thorunna.

Twenty minutes go by fast on a big wreck so up we went and then headed to the shallow site...everyone talking about their experience on the wreck. There was a beautiful sunset on the way to the shallow site.

At the shallow site we hit the jackpot, juv. black frog fish, tons of tiny crabs, imperial nudibranch, devil scorpion, a pretty sandworm, another slipper lobster, undulated moray, zebra moray and a very good looking dragon moray (he was out about a foot) and was watching us watch him...Lots of squirll fish, lots and lots of hawaiian spoted toby's of all sizes, we found a big redlip parrotfish...just sitting there with out a mucus mantal....that was interesting....and lots of other more common fishies.

I can say I had a great time and would love to do it again. Maybe in November....we would have to leave earlier though because the sun sets sooner.

Aloha and all the best until our big Labor day picnic!

I tried to find an "envious, jealous" smilie, but no luck---so just picture a giant green-eyed monster!!!!
Oh hush! You'll be here soon and get to enjoy it all too :D

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