David Wilson
hi David, What were those Beuchat fins called? Why did they have straps as well as fullfoot pockets? hon
They were simply called "Jetfin", Hon. Note how the name is all one word. I have one of their original flyers and the Jetfin is captioned "la palme à tuyères" (literally "fin with blast-pipe/nozzle") and "championne du monde (world champion)".
Several European fin designs of the late 1950s/early 1960s, notably Cressi's, featured heel straps as well as full-foot fittings. A few even came with instep straps. I imagine the purpose was to add security to the fins so that they wouldn't detach from the feet in rough waves. Another method of securing full-foot fins was a pair of fin grips, or "fixe-palmes" as they were dubbed by the original patent holder, also Beuchat of Marseilles.
A Turkish diving equipment company, Free-Sub, still retails full-foot fins with additional heel straps:

As you can see, it's a Jet Fin clone.