Japanese open fire on Sea Shepherd crew

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Norway has officially objected to the IWC whaling treaty and is as such not bound by it and is practicing COMMERCIAL whaling. There is no grey area as far as the norwegian whaling goes as there are set quotas, the whaling is not done under any false pretences and norwegian whalers are not violating a treaty.
You might like or dislike the norwegian whaling, but its not done on the same terms as the japanese, whos yet to be "proven illegal"
Exactly - the Japanese are still trying to work within the IWC - Norway & Iceland just told them to stuff it.

Japan has threatened to do the same thing if the IWC refuses to do what it's supposed to do.....i.e.
The purpose of the Convention is to provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry.
The Japanese maintain that many members of the IWC are not interested in an "orderly development" - they just want to use the IWC to ban whaling totally.

This is absolutely NOT what the intention of this organization is.

Commission information
And yes, given the apparent intelligence exhibited by marine mammals, I think it quite natural for humans to show a greater affinity for them vs. a ling cod....

yes, it's understandable... but not logical or natural or good on an ecological point of view
You're confusing China with Japan. I've never seen shark finning in Japan, or dishes based on shark fins for sale in Japan. Two very different countries... not sure how seriously we can take your input in this conversation if you've got misconceptions this big to start with.

Yes, I understand that they are two different countries. I don't make the documentaries, I just watch them. If I have misconceptions, the documentaries I have seen are wrong or I'm crazy. But you know, I haven't seen that particular video in about 2 years so I'm gonna check it out to make sure that I am not incorrect. I've seen that video so many times and I've seen others that showed Japanese ships doing the shark-finning but I'm not perfect so I'll check this video out. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that I'm not in this case.
I don't see how killing something to eat is wasteful?

You can equally argue nobody needs to eat beef, chicken and pigs.

I think the average whale has a much better life than the average factory farmed chicken.

Anyone truely interested in relieving animal suffering would do a lot better to concentrate on the big picture - hw many chickens a year are factory farmed and killed in America? Tens of millions? More? Makes a few hundred whales a year pale into insignificance.

If you think whales are too intelligent to be killed (never seen any evidence of that myself) then I think you should focus your attention on the bush meat trade in Africa... many more monkeys are killed each year than whales. Or how about the Koreans and Chinese who eat man's best friend, dogs? Or French who eat highly sensitive and intelligent horses?

Those few hundred whales are not farmed and raised specifically for the purpose of killing. Proportionally there are so many fewer whales than chickens that taking a few hundred whales is VERY significant. No, I am not saying that farming chickens is better, I'm simply comparing numbers. I'd love to focus my attention on the bush meat trade, or the dog eating or the eating of horses. Unfortunately though, that is not the topic of this post and I'm trying to stay on topic.
....and raised specifically for the purpose of killing.
So what are you saying here? Premeditated killing is somehow better than hunting in the wild? Who for?
Proportionally there are so many fewer whales than chickens that taking a few hundred whales is VERY significant.
I've already demonstrated quite clearly that the numbers of whales being hunted are a fraction of 1% - no matter whose figures you use for population numbers. It's not VERY significant at all - unless you are emotionally against the concept of whaling. There's no real argument based on numbers.
Unfortunately though, that is not the topic of this post and I'm trying to stay on topic.
No - the topic of the thread is an accusation that the Japanese intentionally fired on the Sea Shepherd people. It's completely unproven, and highly suspect. If you have any more evidence to support the claims that no-one seems to believe except for Sea Shepherd supporters than please....post it.

Paul Watson has a history of outright lying, twisting the facts, dis-information - all in the name of his cause. It's his self-declared modus operandi as Dennis posted earlier in this thread:
“If you don’t know an answer, a fact, a statistic, then ... make it up on the spot.”
— Paul Watson, in Earthforce: An Earth Warrior’s Guide to Strategy

Right now, according to all the reports I've read, that appears to be exactly the same again. He probably doesn't care though, as he still got publicity....which is what he's after.
Chicken is not a specy in itself. There are many species of chicken. However, many are almost extinct because humans have focused on the production of only one or two species. The others are only found on some small size farms like in Europe but are slowly dissappearing. Selective raising of chicken is as efficient to some chicken species extinction as mass killing them.

Dog eating is not in my culture but I dont condemn it since it's been done in China since there are dogs. But what I can condemn is the way they are killed, just like I would do for whales, seals or cows.

Whale is not a specy. If one specy is endangered, we should try not to hunt them. However if their numbers are sufficient and the products of the hunt not wasted, then I dont see a reason not to hunt them just like moose or deer.
So what are you saying here? Premeditated killing is somehow better than hunting in the wild? Who for?
I've already demonstrated quite clearly that the numbers of whales being hunted are a fraction of 1% - no matter whose figures you use for population numbers. It's not VERY significant at all - unless you are emotionally against the concept of whaling. There's no real argument based on numbers.

No - the topic of the thread is an accusation that the Japanese intentionally fired on the Sea Shepherd people. It's completely unproven, and highly suspect. If you have any more evidence to support the claims that no-one seems to believe except for Sea Shepherd supporters than please....post it.

Paul Watson has a history of outright lying, twisting the facts, dis-information - all in the name of his cause. It's his self-declared modus operandi as Dennis posted earlier in this thread:

Right now, according to all the reports I've read, that appears to be exactly the same again. He probably doesn't care though, as he still got publicity....which is what he's after.

He's like the kid who cried wolf, nobody believes him anymore. He's the wacko who cries Japaneses.:wink::D

off to the mines now, have a good day yawl.
Yes, I understand that they are two different countries. I don't make the documentaries, I just watch them. If I have misconceptions, the documentaries I have seen are wrong or I'm crazy.

I've lived in both China and Japan for several years each, and am pretty familiar with both Chinese and Japanese food - to the general detriment of my waistline! I've eaten both shark fin soup and whale, though I enjoyed neither and now boycott both.

I've also spent a lot of time in Japanese ports and costal areas (through my diving) and have seen dolphin slaughter first hand in Futo.

I would be very surprised if those documentaries showed what you think they did... do you have any links to a synopsis or outline of them?
Well, with less than 10 days left in the whaling season SS is returning to port in Melbourne.
Operation Migaloo has been a great success with SS estimating the Japanese to have less
than half their quota. SS kept the whalers on the run for a total of 5 1/2 weeks, which is
nearly half of the whaling season. That coupled with bad weather the Japanese should come
in with a disappointing and quite costly season. Thank you Captain Watson and the rest of
the SS crew for, once again, a job well done!!!! Cheers.

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