Japanese open fire on Sea Shepherd crew

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not a chance. I regularly knock down basketball sized targets at 100 yards firing offhand with iron sights. at 50 yards the target is a little bigger than a grapefruit. that's not the extent of the accuracy but the size of the (irregularly shaped) target which doesn't have rings on it.

try to do it drunk so it can account for the rolling of the ships :wink:
Those few hundred whales are not farmed and raised specifically for the purpose of killing. Proportionally there are so many fewer whales than chickens that taking a few hundred whales is VERY significant. No, I am not saying that farming chickens is better, I'm simply comparing numbers. I'd love to focus my attention on the bush meat trade, or the dog eating or the eating of horses. Unfortunately though, that is not the topic of this post and I'm trying to stay on topic.

Those few hundred mule deer are not farmed and raised specifically for the purpose of killing. Proportionally there are so many fewer mule deer than chickens that taking a few hundred mule deer is VERY significant. No, I am not saying that farming chickens is better, I'm simply comparing numbers. I'd love to focus my attention on the bush meat trade, or the dog eating or the eating of horses. Unfortunately though, that is not the topic of this post and I'm trying to stay on topic.

What are you confused about?
try to do it drunk so it can account for the rolling of the ships :wink:

hmmmm....Lef, Chimay, Alligash, Corsendonk, Malheur.....which Belgian Tripel is best to simulate shooting from a moving ship?

I shall commence the scientific study immediately!

Actually I learned today I have roof rats, so I shall be up the attic with an air rifle tonight :rofl3::rofl3:

I hope the roof rat shepherds aren't around!
Originally Posted by cdreamer
Mr. "I don't eat it because I don't need to and it's not my culture."

Why would YOU consider YOUR own words to be a personal attack?
Maybe because your mixed message is a little confusing and hypocritical?
If the Japanese culture is not "your culture" then why do you support and
defend it so? Do you really think that whaling is humane, just, healthy, moral,
sustainable, financially profitable?
Does the end justify the means?
You quoted my words at me with the clear intention of being insulting. It was childish.

You actually don't seem to have very much idea at all what is going on, or my position in it. The actions of people like Paul Watson are not stopping whaling in Japan, they're helping to prolong it. I have frequent conversations with Japanese people about whaling, and why I don't eat it. They actually understand my position when I can keep the conversation on the mercury content, and I've certainly given more than one person pause for thought. When Paul Watson comes into it though you just see their eyes glaze over and know there's really nothing left to say. The man travels around the high seas like a pirate - with a ship that has a specially strengthened bow to intentionally ram other vessels (although he then tries to claim that it's other vessels attempting to ram him!!!). He attacks them out of the sheer arrogance that he can foist HIS viewpoint onto everyone and anyone. And he really expects them to listen????? :rofl3:

You have to be kidding.

He's viewed as a terrorist, and like everyone else, they don't give in to terrorism.

I believe the Japanese have a right to their way of life, just like anyone else - that's why I defend them. Who was it who said something along the lines of...."I might not agree with or like your beliefs, but I'll die to protect your right to have them." (or something very similar)

If the Japanese want to eat sustainable numbers of whales it's up to them. The fact I don't want to eat them myself is neither confusing or hypocritical. I don't have to copy every other behavior I see. I live my own life according to my own choices.

But speaking of hypocritical....... I would consider it that if you by chance bought any meat products from supermarkets etc.... highly hypocritical.

But of course I don't suppose you do now....do you? :eyebrow:
"my point was that you could insert just about any regularly hunted animal into your statement and it holds true. so logically you must feel the same way about hunting any animal."

I think that sport hunting is a disgusting hobby. Killing for the sake of killing is not necessary. Hunting for necessity is another thing completely.

Hunting in your own environment as a necessity of survival is different from traveling around the world to a completely different environment to hunt an animal whose population is not quite so numerous as those of many other animals. Also, from what I've read whale meat can be highly toxic (pollutants such as mercury, PCBs). Why would you travel so far for that risk and then serve it as school lunch in your public school system?

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