Is your spouse/so your dive buddy?

Is your spouse/s.o. your dive buddy?

  • Yes my spouse/s.o. is my dive buddy

    Votes: 161 65.7%
  • No my spouse/s.o. is not my dive buddy

    Votes: 66 26.9%
  • Don't have spouse/s.o. but it would be important to me

    Votes: 12 4.9%
  • Don't have spouse/s.o. but it would NOT be important to me

    Votes: 6 2.4%

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  • Poll closed .

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My wife is my dive buddy. But since she just had our first child about 4 weeks ago we haven't been diving together for about 10 months. :-(

On the other hand, it's completely worth it and now I have a new dive buddy in training. (I think PADI is probably coming out with an "infant diver" card soon. ;-)
Originally posted by Bigberg50
For years, I could barely get my wife to put her face in the water. I can now get her to snorkel if she's wearing a life preserver or some other boyance device and I don't let go of her hand. I've totally given up on her ever diving. It's too bad, she's so into fitness and aerobics, she'd be able to spend a day underwater on a single tank.:(

3 1/2 years ago my wife could not swim. I got her a swim with the dolphins at sea world for her b-day. She took some private swim lessons. The hardest part was getting her face wet. She managed to learn the basics and was comfortable enough to tread water and swim short distances. Still had trouble figuring out the breathing thing. She jumped into the dolphin tank and they told them to swim across the tank. (this was the big 'show' tank). She did it. Dolphins are a great motivator. Then she snorkled in hawaii... she was a little aprehensive... after, she said "hey, I float in salt water!". Then I certified June 01 and we went to bonaire. I dove and we both snorkeled. Went back to Bonaire this past march. Again, I dove, and we both snorkeled. We met somebody that was 'solo' and I dove with her and all 3 of us went snorkeling. She told my wife how she never thought about diving (and she was in her 50's) but got certified last aug. and loves it. When we got back home, we went to the dive shop to drop of some gear for service and the next thing I knew, my wife is asking about lessions.

She got certified in may. She calls me from the shop after her open water dives and test and tells me "hey, I just bought all my dive equip.". She even ordered a dry suit for local diving. We just finished the first 2 days of AOW and just have the night dive this weekend.

Every new situation worries her slightly. After we're done, she says "that was fun.... no problem".

Moral... don't give up
When we were first started dating, in 1983, I thought my wife might be interested in diving, but she never really pursued it. I taught her to snorkel while in Cozumel in '84, and once watched her sit on the bank in Grand Cayman and cry because she couldn't do a night dive with us at Eden Rock. I let her try my gear in the pool once and took her by local shops to talk to the instructors on several occasions.

But....that's been many, many years and she now tells me that diving has no appeal for her. She loves to sail and go out on boats, but on our last vacation, two weeks in Panama City, Fl, I could only get her to go in the water twice. The water was beautiful, but she wouldn't even snorkel. Go figure.

When we lived in New Orleans, I was a member of an active diving club that "unofficially" catered to non-diving spouses and S.O.'s. While not an official policy of the club, the membership was coincidentally composed of about a dozen members, ten of whom were women and ALL of whom had non-diving spouses or boyfriends. It made for some great trips and because the club was mostly women, we got some seriously good bottom times (first in, last out, on most of our dives).

I now live in Houston and have to either dive solo or call around for a buddy. Because of my experiences in New Orleans, and because I have a high interest in UW photographer, I still prefer female buddies (my best dive buddy is a woman, but she lives in Austin.).

But, it is during those times that can't find a good, experienced buddy/model that I most wish my wife was a diver.

I am divorced, but my current girl friend is my dive buddy. I have enjoyed many a dive with her. She is slightly scared of the unknown if you will, meaning night dives, dark/murky waters, low-vis dives, stuff like that. Not that it's bad, most people share the same feelings. I am more adventurous than she is, but I am not frustrated when she gets spooked :holycow: or wants to do easy dives. I get my fun time when I go diving with our Dive club, often we pair up with another couple and the guys go one way, the girls the other. hehehe. She is getting more and more relaxed with every dive, I don't care though I enjoy spending the time with her. Every dive is an adventure...that's for sure! :rofL:
I am still trying...waiting for Phillip to get certified.
It just never seems to be a good enough time to get him into a class and he does not want to take a resort course. I wish he'd hurry up and get it done before next summer, though. We are supposed to have a free trip coming to us and I don't want him to miss out again!:depress:
My wife won't dive, but she loves to snorkel and does so when we travel.
My boyfriend has been my dive buddy for the dives I've been on so far. He's a Rescue Diver at this time, so it gives me that extra "comfort". A dive buddy should be someone you can trust and who won't abandon you at any time..... so it really doesn't matter if he/she is your Spouse or S/O.
She tried, and couldn't manage the pool training.

Gosh now I just stuck with my son above 40 ft and the folks from the club below that!!
Gosh now I just stuck with my son above 40 ft and the folks from the club below that!!

well, there's always dive buddies to be had! LOL

This brings to mind another question, how many of us have met an SO while diving, or are LOOKING for an SO who dives?:lovey:
I've always loved the water. About 9 years ago I tried snorkeling & loved it. When I met my boyfriend he already had a few diving experiences while vacationing, by taking the resort course. We would snorkel together alot & he would usually dive once or twice during our vacation. He wanted to get certified & was hoping I would too.
We signed up f/ snuba, to see if I liked it. Then, on another trip, we did the resort course. I liked that too. In spite of being with some of the rudest dives I've ever met(flicking cigarettes into the ocean, drinking while diving & beating up the reefs w/ their fins) and in spite of a sudden change in the weather. From sunny & hot to a rough storm w/ cold pelting rain. I was so miserable on the dive boat on the way back. They had us surface early because of the storm. But still, the dive was great!
We both went ahead & signed up f/ OW at our LDS. And he is the best dive buddy. Besides that, he helps me get into my wetsuit (no easy feat-since I gained weight after I bought it) and he'll lug my gear for me. If I ask him, nicely.;)

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