Is your spouse/so your dive buddy?

Is your spouse/s.o. your dive buddy?

  • Yes my spouse/s.o. is my dive buddy

    Votes: 161 65.7%
  • No my spouse/s.o. is not my dive buddy

    Votes: 66 26.9%
  • Don't have spouse/s.o. but it would be important to me

    Votes: 12 4.9%
  • Don't have spouse/s.o. but it would NOT be important to me

    Votes: 6 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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Together for 28 years, spouse for almost 25, certification & dive buddy for 6 months!! It's all been great .... except the worn out credit card from buying double dive everything!! Now we plan our trips around where to go to dive, which dive shop to choose, what sites to dive ........... thank God for the Internet .... half the fun is all the searching out info!! :)
We used to ski out west, Alta, Aspen, and Jacson Hole. One day my wife says, "I'm sick of cold vacations, let's try a warm one". So being a good guy, I schedule a trip to Grand Cayman (1981).
I'm not one to sit on the beach, needless to say, after snorkeling on a glass bottom boat trip, I was hooked. In fact that's why my handle is Caymaniac. Since 86' she too has been certified and we have traveled to quite a number of places. When you share something together, dream of dive trips together, it's the best. And one trip is less expensive than a lawyer! Our whole family now dives. But the most fun is dreaming where we will go next. Our Australia trip is coming up in 90 days..........YEEHAAAAA.:D

Dive Safe,
She would much rather lay on the beach with her girl friends and go shopping. Although she does like to snorkel in shallow water so maybe its just a matter of time. But I must confess I do enjoy the time with my buds.
My wife and I work together in the same family business.

I take one week by my self and go diving. Usually in a place in the Caribbean.

She has no interest in the water. I can't even get her to jump into the deep end of the swimming pool.:out:
My wife is my best dive buddy. It started out that she didn't want to dive at all. She just did it with me because she figured she would never see me otherwise. Now we have done OW, AOW, and Nitrox together (she started out real apprehensive but is awesome now with wicked good air consumption). She and I both feel more comfortable diving with each other than our other friends because of the safety factor (knowing the other will be there for you, etc.). I love diving so much though if it comes up I'm looking for my fins.:mean:
Seriously, not having an SO at this time (and never having dated a diver), my regular buddies are all women who are married to or in relationships with men who do not dive. All are good technical divers and we thoroughly enjoy diving together. Of course my relationship with each one is strictly a diving one and platonic. Their husbands/SO's all trust me and my buddies will often visit Catalina alone to stay and dive with me. I value each of these friendships.

However, I am still seeking an SO who dives so we can travel together.

Dr. Bill
I wish...

But my wife is not fond of the water. She'll swim in a pool, but would rather not get her head underwater.

My daughter loves the water, though and wants to be my buddy. She is currently in the middle of her academic/pool portion of her OW training with Monterey beckoning in July.
Good Buddies, too. Though I had an interest in becoming certified, she never did--even though she really enjoys snorkling.

That was the situation for years until we booked a trip to the South Pacific last November. In light of the big trip, I again suggested getting trained in Scuba--seein' as how we were going to a prime diving location. She agreed without great enthusiasm. Half way through the OW course she started showing strong interest in the sport and hasn't looked back yet.

We got back from 14 days in French Polynesia last week. Had the time of our lives and are both hooked on the sport.

I am the one most interested in technique, gear and destination details. She is interested in the actual diving. She seems willing put the effort into learning and mastering what is needed. So, there is a difference in the attitudes about the specifics of the sport. So far, she has put the energy into being a responsible buddy that I can count on in a pinch.

I find technology and technique facinating...she likes looking at the purty fishies. I'm hoping that will make us a good team for years to come.

My wife and I are buddies in everything, whether its darts or diving. We have developed together, and share some of the same goals in the sport. Since I'm in the Navy, shell be able to progress faster than I will cause Ill be gone half the time.

When she found out we were getting stationed on Guam, the first words out of her mouth were "Im gonna dive", not "do you wanna learn?"...........thats fine with me, her independence is one of the major reasons I married her.

We dive together when Im here, Im sure there will come a time when Ill dive with others, but Id rather dive with her. At night or in low vis, its just easier to stay together cause im holding, hand........yeah, thats it, her hand.

tiny bubbles

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