Almost every place I have dove there are one or two accounts of them being victims of crime on Bonaire, having to pay for spare tires robbed from their rental vehicles, a break-in at their resort, windows broken on rentals, gear taken from balconey, handyman theft while they were in a different room and the list goes on. Add to that I know friends that have had the same experience, dive buds I have met on trips, members of THIS board that have reported those bad experiences and members of other boards with the same reports, plus dive shops that will not go back there because of the crime, you begin to get the picture, you begin to see a patern.:shocked2: Well some of us do.
You do the math![]()
In order to "do the math" I need numbers. Accurate numbers or estimates backed up by industry acceptable statistical valid procedures. Tell me how many total divers have visited Bonaire in a fixed period of time. Tell me how many of those rented a vehicle. Then tell me how many of the above groups had items stole from or windows broken in those rented vehicles during the same period of time. Now, how many followed the rental agency requirement that the windows be left down and nothing of value be left in the truck when diving. How many people rented houses during that time, how many had break in of those that rented. How many were home when it happened. How many people of all the visitors were physically harmed or personally threatened? How many were killed (by a thief/robber - not a diving accident)? If you could supply those quantified numbers, then I could "do the math". And I could then compare it to where you live (which has already been done in a previous thread, and found that your city had more crime in one day than what Bonaire is even thought to have - especially major crime).
Previously you stated that you had no problems on the only trip you made to Bonaire. But, you had talked to someone at another dive location who did. Since that time, you have jumped on every thread in this forum you could, relentlessly spouting "facts" of crime with no substantiation other than hearsay. It certainly appears you have an ax to grind, or some other agenda.
I hope anyone considering taking pipe fish's advise would do a search on his user name in this forum and read his previous rantings.