DIR- GUE Is it worth taking Fundamentals this late in the game?

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Spare us your victim mentality. People are disagreeing with you just as you are with them. This isn’t a bro fest, no one is saying you’re a ****** diver, no one is giving you attitude. Yet there are now several pages of you throwing thinly veiled insults in your posts while crying “they’re being mean!”

Take a step back and ask if perhaps your own prejudicial views towards GUE are causing you to see malicious intent when none exists.
Not really.

In several posts--mostly for arguing that 80% is a usable gas, and that the evidence for oxygen narcosis is weak to nonexistent--I have been accused of having poor outdated instructors as "idols," and accused of citing a gas that "only exists for bad divers who can't hold deco stops from 30 years ago." I was also "strongly cautioned" about being an unsafe diver, simply for continuing to disagree on technical points about gases.

This all points to the closed mindedness that I am referring to.
Not really.

In several posts--mostly for arguing that 80% is a usable gas, and that the evidence for oxygen narcosis is weak to nonexistent--I have been accused of having poor outdated instructors as "idols," and accused of citing a gas that "only exists for bad divers who can't hold deco stops from 30 years ago." I was also "strongly cautioned" about being an unsafe diver, simply for continuing to disagree on technical points about gases.

This all points to the closed mindedness that I am referring to.
Go reread your own posts. You’re not on the pedestal of righteousness you think you’re on.
Go reread your own posts. You’re not on the pedestal of righteousness you think you’re on.
I admit to some jabs. I am not just going to roll over take it though. Not when it's nonsense!

My bad for walking into the GUE forums with anything other to say than glowing worship. Like I said, I was asking for it.

The OP didn't want any counterpoint anyway, right? They just wanted to be encouraged into doing Fundies.
I can report that 80% is alive and well as a deco gas to consider in deep diving plans, by highly trained and accomplished instructors/instructor trainers who are also still very active, and very observant/strict.

Who? You know what you think GUE does, but you always anonymize who you're talking about. If they're positive what they're doing is the best practice they should be willing to own it.

"Bad divers everywhere at all levels" is the GUE boogeyman. While there are indeed many divers who need to work on fundamental skills, this is not ALL non-GUE divers.

Your words...

I have to say it's pretty sad that SB.com is so broey, vibey, and closed minded these days--but then again, it is dominated by a frat-like demographic that proudly loves GUE, twinsets, and 100% (only).
You joined in 2020 "bro." The website is what 24 years old, I'm not sure either of us have been around long enough to say what it's like these days. The only one that seems to be closed minded though is you.

Have you considered that those friends that "went gue" and don't want to dive with you any more has nothing to do with GUE, maybe they don't want to dive with you, because of you.
Who? You know what you think GUE does, but you always anonymize who you're talking about. If they're positive what they're doing is the best practice they should be willing to own it.

Your words...

You joined in 2020 "bro." The website is what 24 years old, I'm not sure either of us have been around long enough to say what it's like these days. The only one that seems to be closed minded though is you.

Have you considered that those friends that "went gue" and don't want to dive with you any more has nothing to do with GUE, maybe they don't want to dive with you, because of you.
I am really impressed by the hot attitude you're throwing down here--and your vivid imagination!

I've spent many posts here simply trying to explain both pros and cons of "going the GUE route." There are both pros, and cons. Obviously Fundamentals is fantastic course, and yes I do know what I am talking about.

I am actually very open minded, which is why I did the course, as well as many other courses under different agencies.

The people I know who "went GUE" clearly followed the business plan of getting completely sucked into that program. It basically tells people that everyone else they were diving with, and other agencies, are all unsafe and not to be trusted underwater at all--unless they too become GUE.

Just like you see here in these exchanges, divers outside of the fold are cast as ignorant and constantly risking death every moment. But not GUE divers. They know all that is best, and are the safest divers in the world, because they can do a perfect valve drill in formation, and have Standard Gases, etc (Note: there are in fact expert divers under other agencies who can also do this). It is a very competitive business approach, among certain demographics.
If you think 80% is better than 50% at 30ft, wait till you hear about 75% at 40ft.

And don’t get me goin about 70%, 65%, and 60%.

Straight FIRE.
I am kind of with you here, like just stay on the loop, get all that for free ... only need your bailout to work & and it need not be perfect as long as you survive. (Unless it's your Mod3 course, then it's on the exam)
The people I know who "went GUE" clearly followed the business plan of getting completely sucked into that program. It basically tells people that everyone else they were diving with, and other agencies, are all unsafe and not to be trusted underwater at all--unless they too become GUE.

Just like you see here in these exchanges, divers outside of the fold are cast as ignorant and constantly risking death every moment. But not GUE divers. They know all that is best, and are the safest divers in the world, because they can do a perfect valve drill in formation, and have Standard Gases, etc (Note: there are in fact expert divers under other agencies who can also do this). It is a very competitive business approach, among certain demographics.
You keep saying how the entire GUE cohort feels while pretending to not have a grudge. I’m sorry your diving friends decided to stop diving with you.

You avoided answering the who is teaching 80% still though…
1 thing I do not like is that the course is too rigid with the theory part. I am a person that learns theory very easy and hate long days when I can read the stuff in less time than I have to sit there. This is in my opinion a very weak point of the course. Ok, in every course some theory is needed, but please give options for people who prefer learning on their own. This saves time for the student and will not harm the results. It is quite old fashioned nowadays to sit in a class the whole day. So if they introduce self learning/e-learning/etc, then maybe an exam and then 1 hour class for discussions or so, it would be a way much better option.

This is by no means universal to all fundamentals classes. I took fundamentals in two parts over the last year. My instructor shared his slides a month or so before the class. We reviewed them, did the quizzes at the end of his slides. Then, we had a virtual session for a couple of hours where he went over and did a group discussion.

During my Part 2, he resent the same slides and then sent each of us a "take home exam" which we worked on in our time. I emailed the exam to him and he responded asking me to review a couple of questions. So yeah, what you propose exists.
You keep saying how the entire GUE cohort feels while pretending to not have a grudge. I’m sorry your diving friends decided to stop diving with you.

You avoided answering the who is teaching 80% still though…
Lol mate, I told you why they stopped diving with *any* of us. GUE sucked them in, giving them the divers' version of Original Sin. I mean great, their skills probably got quite good and yeah they went on to dive safely and have a great time...with GUE people. I presume ...

All you really need to know about who is teaching that 80% is useful is that they are not GUE--and therefore by definition they must be awful, dangerous, unqualified maniacs! 😱🫣

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