3dent:Yes I have.
I, however, like to rinse my wetsuit immediately. Unzipping part-way and tugging on the midsection a few times tends to flush it pretty well. This introduces cold water that must be warmed by your body, but I prefer that to continuing the dive in a puddle of urine.
What ever you do, PLEASE rinse it before getting back on the boat...
I refuse to open my zipper in cold water mid dive.
Surely you know the side effects.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, cannon balls were stored on the decks of a war-ship in a pyramid shaped pile using a frame called a monkey to keep them in place. Sometimes these frames were made of brass, which could contract substantially in very cold weather and the balls would roll out of the frames. Hence the expresson - 'Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey' !
When necessary I unequip while in the water at the platform, hand up my gear and then flush out before climbing aboard.