Is Deep Air / Light Deco (bounce?) Discussible on ScubaBoard?

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Well Steve, you (with the 33,600+ posts) "should try diving sometime" with locals in New Jersey or Key West who dive wrecks below 130ft on air every day-- then you will no longer be scared of it.
Well Steve, you (with the 33,600+ posts) "should try diving sometime" with locals in New Jersey or Key West who dive wrecks below 130ft on air every day-- then you will no longer be scared of it.
They do single tank bounce dives to these wrecks?
I've thought about trying that scuba thing but it terrifies me :fear:. Do you seriously consider a planned and executed dive to 130' a bounce dive? That might be part of the problem with these threads......
I think. I am really not sure what we are talking about. So let's find out.

Would each of the deep air advocates on this thread please define what you are talking about? If you wanted to know TDI's requirements for safe deep air diving, I could tell you because the book is sitting on the desk beside me. Please tell me the safety requirements for your definition of deep air bounce diving. I would like to know the following and probably more.

1. I have read over an over again in this thread that it is not for beginners. How much experience does a basic OW diver need to have, and what kind of experience should that be?

2. How does a diver determine how much air is needed for a dive?

3. Is there any need for redundancy?

4. What protocols do you use for determining a decompression profile?

5. What training is needed to be sure one can handle emergencies at depth? (For example, it is very common in technical diving training to find dives losing buoyancy control when first practicing OOA scenarios, so there is training for that. Even when I was working on my full cave certification, the instructor always did the OOA drills in a place with a low ceiling because of the tendency to ascend.)

6. Is any special equipment needed, or is a standard OW rig just fine? For example, are DSMBs encouraged, and, if so, is deploying them at depth part of the expected training?

EDIT: 7: Do you have a standard limit for PPO2?

Others will have to speak for themselves, but for months I have had to repeat over and over ...

I am deep air curious now, since the explosion of threads discussing deep air on ScubaBoard. I was perfectly content with shallower than 140' before the explosion of deep air threads on ScubaBoard. When the explosion spilled over to the Basic forum, I said the thread should be moved out of the view of beginning divers.

The reason I started this thread is because I now feel the typical recreational divers who are single tank deep air diving might die or get bent less often if there was a place with adult conversation on the kind of single tank deep air diving that is occasionally resulting in death or bends.

I am a deep air CONVERSATION advocate.

I think a sub-forum for Deep Air, with a mission statement of "putting at least a 40 on the vast majority", with a few threads as "stickies" would provide a less flaming than the current "just say no" environment to help those most in need of some information and advice.

John, get off the "single tank stuff"! No one should advocate doing any dive with any amount of air/gas that won't be enough. As I said on another thread, I take 50% more gas that I plan to need.
I've thought about trying that scuba thing but it terrifies me :fear:. Do you seriously consider a planned and executed dive to 130' a bounce dive? That might be part of the problem with these threads......

Since you post as third post in what appears to be a series of three posts; with Moonglow first, then boulderjohn quote replying to Moonglow, and finally your post quoted by me in this post, it seems you have perhaps "intentionally" not included the word "below" which preceded 130' in both the posts preceding your post.

That is typical of the "trainwreckers" :shakehead:
To be perfectly honest, I'm pretty sure the "real" participants in this thread figured out that you and Adobo can't figure it out, many, many posts ago, but it does not really matter because this thread is not about getting you to figure it out. :mooner:
Who are the "real" participants?

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
As I had already made it very clear if you had equipped yourself with a twin set and deco mixes, you would had finished that dive with well over one full tank of BG left and NOT 300psi!!!!! ....
Next time I will take the rebreather and 2 BO bottles .... for a dive to the extreme depth of 134ft and 1 minute of deco :crafty:

.....Your mentioned dive had nothing to do with the computer being set too conservative or aggressive. It was the amount of gas that you had left when climbed back to the boat. .....
I guess I forgot to mention that I was out of deco (with a super conservative setting) with 1200PSI - and at 40ft.

You missed the whole point of my post :shakehead:
John, get off the "single tank stuff"! No one should advocate doing any dive with any amount of air/gas that won't be enough. As I said on another thread, I take 50% more gas that I plan to need.

I am curious how you define a "bounce dive" because IMO you are "deep air diving" and not "bounce diving". Big difference to me.

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Since you post as third post in what appears to be a series of three posts; with Moonglow first, then boulderjohn quote replying to Moonglow, and finally your post quoted by me in this post, it seems you have perhaps "intentionally" not included the word "below" which preceded 130' in both the posts preceding your post.

That is typical of the "trainwreckers" :shakehead:

My bad. 131'. Better?

And you've got yourself to blame for this train wreck.....all the damage was done long before I first posted.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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