Maybe something has been changed from time when I did my course, but wikipedia still thinking that :
Maybe eelnora, the DIR practitioner, did not like the square part. I guess if you go down for 80 feet and across for 30 feet and then back up for 80 feet that should be considered an upright rectangular dive profile and if you go down for 60 and across for 120 feet then back up for 60 feet it is a sideways rectangle. But then again that is only on a drift dive. On an anchored dive down for 80 feet across the hard bottom and back for 40 feet and then back up for 80 feet would be considered an L profile...unless you turned right and then it would be a backwards L profile - Hmmm these tables are mighty tinks me gonna stick to computers.
---------- Post added August 31st, 2014 at 10:52 PM ----------
It was NOT an option back in the mid 60's!!!
I still know how to calculate square root after all these years!
I agree. So many feel that we have so many better tools today, be it in diving, or car repair, or computing, or medicine, that the old skills of the past are no longer needed. Yet it is these very people middle aged 40-70 year olds that grew up learning the old way and now have the benefit of the new as well. I am not sure that when we have generations of kids growing up who only know the new ways and have no understanding of how we got here and the physics, science, mathematics behind the processes that we will be in a better place.