Invasion II

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Saturday morning (2nd dive) Conch Wall (minus the Chip fin incident)














Saturday morning (2nd dive) Conch Wall (minus the Chip fin incident)

You guys must have been at the exact same place we were at on Saturday morning, first dive. I recognize the mesh bins Walter is looking at, and also the shy hamlet, who, according to the REEF ID book is considered rare to absent in Florida! Sweet!!! I am gonna copy that pic for memories sake. :thumb:
I hope you guys dont mind .... I am going to take all the pics I find and make a mix. I am Waiting on MissD and all other to post before I put them all together. We saw spotted eagle rays and sharks as well as 3 goliath groups on molasis and I know the pics should be outstanding ......... calling MissD :wink:
Kim P
Saturday Afternoon on the Duane with Kbeck, lil' castaway & David...

Walter with ONESPEED in the background

When we hit the water, there was very little current. It was picking up before we made it from stern to the bow of Republic VII. lil' castaway and David on their way to the bouy line

Always time for Lotsa Love

There was someone fishing above... but, not for long, Kbeck almost got hooked, and it wizzed by my head on it's way! The fisherman didn't get this part of his line back, but we cleared it from the deck for him

By now the currents were up enough to make everyone work their way along the wreck


When did Utah arrive? Shelli stops for a photo op... Where's Pirate?

Kbeck takes lead and I follow the group toward the center of the wreck... current is up and everyone is low to the deck

large pass through and a break from the currents

These guys were on break too

Time for a meal in the galley

Who left a perfectly good Hobart behind? Mashed potatos anyone?

Given time, equipment and a plan... this looks interesting!

NetMage... Where's your gun?

You guys must have been at the exact same place we were at on Saturday morning, first dive. I recognize the mesh bins Walter is looking at, and also the shy hamlet, who, according to the REEF ID book is considered rare to absent in Florida! Sweet!!! I am gonna copy that pic for memories sake. :thumb:

I'm not looking at the mesh bins, I'm taking a garbage bag off one to throw away. I was hoping Jim got a shot of that Shy Hamlet, I didn't think he had time, it was moving quickly. While they are rare, I've seen lots of Shy Hamlets in Florida. I wish I saw that many Indigos.
I'm not looking at the mesh bins, I'm taking a garbage bag off one to throw away. I was hoping Jim got a shot of that Shy Hamlet, I didn't think he had time, it was moving quickly. While they are rare, I've seen lots of Shy Hamlets in Florida. I wish I saw that many Indigos.
This one was moving fast. It took four attempts to get this one... and I wasn't happy with the quality of that...

I am currently editing the Lotsa Love Nekkid dive pictures. LL Ladies... now is the time to get the bribes in... before the pictures are posted. I can airbrush areas that you don't want seen. Once they are up here, they are up here. I have Pete's blessing that none will be removed once they are posted... :14: His answer to my question was... hey, they chose to make the nekkid dive, they can live with them posted on the board... go for it.

You have been warned! :D
Given time, equipment and a plan... this looks interesting!
You say when and Tim and I are there :D
The mess hall is a very interesting place down there.
I'm thinking Reunion time... August 17, 18 & 19... I think I can make it a foursome :14:

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