Invasion II

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As for buying them from Jim, I don't know where that came from.
Just because a couple people have chimed in a said they like the shirt does not mean it is a concensus. Just like last year, MOST folks LOVED the shirts.

It came from me. Just trying to figure out the plan Stan. As in, if you were going to put up his idea and yours and let the group decide. Or keep it secret until the unveiling or whatever.... I was just thinking, you don't want people thinking they are purchasing one shirt only to be surprised with another, that is all. Often times with secrecy comes confusion. Please don't get upset and get your feelings hurt. :10:
I am beginning to think it was a bad idea to post a possible design. It appears that my decision is now creating a divide that I did not intend.

My intention was for everyone to have fun with it.

Sorry to all
No. I will not step on the toes of the board to sell bootleg T's

what? that's crazy .... nobody has a monopoly on selling t-shirts

why not make your t-shirt too, that way people have a choice? taht's cool

it's a win-win: we have a design we know and a surprise design later on

everybody wins
Don't buy a pig in a poke.

i dont' even know what a pig in a poke is...
A pig in a sack. If you buy a pig in a poke, you don't know what you are really getting. There was a time folks sold pigs in sacks. There were other folks who would toss cats in sacks and sell them as pigs. If you bought a pig in a poke, you might not get a pig. This is also where the term, "don't let the cat out of the bag," started.
too cool

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