Instructor molested me on first dive

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Couple things------>where did this happen & (more important) if you would have done scuba lessons 1st you would not be writing about this......good luck in the future...IMO, go get certified & then you'll be home free....
Bloody He))
I gave her exactly the same advice as any one of you did… Tell. Although my response was not as eloquently crafted as “I’ll bash his face in, and castrate the SOB”. I still never even imagined that my intent could have been so wholly missed by all but a few. And it was BTW: at least, no less helpful.

Thank you very much Bob, I think of you as a friend also... that was a very kind statement.
Waynne Fowler:
IMO you should write a letter to the dive shop and to the certification agency this person works for.
Let her go ahead and pursue legal action. I think it is most likely a futile effort. One worth her making? I can’t answer that.

What did other offers that I did not, Condolences? Sympathy? If offers to beat the hell out of him, cripple him for life and such, constitute sympathy and condolence then sure she got a bunch of that. If I offered to take a bat to his knee caps or rip his lungs out first, would you still be angry with me?

I have, in light of the fact that I was not there and have no firsthand knowledge of the events, deemed myself NOT in a position to assume guilt or innocence.

I personally feel pretty certain even the lady involved has gotta be a little unnerved by the whole “Let’s pull out his nails with pliers and cripple him for life” attitude. Perhaps all the talk about crippling or maiming the guy is what you all think this girl wants or needs. I don’t know….. maybe it is? If that’s the case… well…… I can’t give that. Quite frankly, on second thought… the thought that, that is what she wants or need scares me almost as bad as the thought of this incident itself being real.

If you think I’m jacked up because my thinking allows room for the possibility of another side of things, then this is really gonna foam your brain. Even if he did, exactly what she says, in just the way she says. I’m still not down with hobbling the dude or bashing his face in and castrating him. While it appeals to my “I WILL JACK YOU UP M.F. IF YOU F WITH ME” manly, animalistic side. I just can’t roll too far with that. Even on the internet. You may think as some rocket scientist here stated, that somehow, because I allow myself to think about other possibilities I’m just as socially reprehensible as someone who IS guilty of cornering an innocent person into an unfamiliar and dangerous environment and taking advantage of them. If that’s how you think then IMVHO it’s not me with the messed up moral compass.

And for the record. No I do NOT think that someone who thinks differently than me is ‘wrong’ or ‘goofy’ or ‘an idiot’ or ‘some social deviant’ nor do I equate them with a ‘sexual predator’. The only reason anyone is railing me here, is while accepting the story at face value and answering the girls question, rather than throwing out to the public that I’d gut him in town square for their viewing pleasure I offer up that there may be more to the groping part of things than meets the eye here. However doubtful it may seem. I for one, due to the lack of information, will continue to assume that there other possibilities.

If on the day he is found guilty and punished. I will be much delighted. Except if they choose to castrate, bash his face in or bust his kneecaps with a baseball bat. I’d have to disagree with that, while that might be appropriate for some sexual crimes. IMO Castration or crippling seem a bit too extreme a punishment for feeling a gal up no matter how wrong I think it to be. You may feel he should be shot in the head in plain view of his children to set an example. I do not.

Sorry that I sort of let myself think freely in print while posting here. I really didn’t realize that even the suggestion of another possibility would solicit such spiteful responses. What a drag. This used to be the one place someone could come and think openly without it being assumed you were trying to pick a fight. You didn’t have to write some tome to explain yourself, cuz no one here walked around with a chip on their shoulders and they attempted to converse and debate like adults, they’d at very least make an attempt to understand your POV.
Waynne F,

Part of the problem here is the whole mob mentality anytime a Sex Crime is even hinted at.

It seems like most people are afraid that there are only 2 sides of the issue with Sex Offenses and if they don't make a strong statement against the "Predator" then everyone will assume they are them self a Sex Pervert in hiding. So the mob gets drawn up and nothing real is accomplished. Even worse fear of the mob reaction prevents many victims from reporting their assaults.

This young lady just wants to deal with it and move on, instead the mob wants to drag it out and make a big public scene of it just so everyone that each of them individually is against Sexual Predators.

Kudos to you for not being sucked into the mob.
This young lady just wants to deal with it and move on, instead the mob wants to drag it out and make a big public scene of it just so everyone that each of them individually is against Sexual Predators.

you left out those who want to pontificate, generalize, and hijack a very sensitive thread with facile, self-apparent pronouncements (which they consider to be worthy of the greatest consideration)

sometimes i wish if people didn't have anything to offer to the OP that they would just shut up

so having tried to help the OP earlier, i'm just going to shut up
I agree. I think she came on here looking for support and i think she knew that it was not a normal occurrence in the diving community but just needed to hear people say it.
Many people did honestly support her in telling her to report it and the guy was out of line, while others honestly stated what we all know: "there are two sides to every story." We can't doubt that she is telling the truth.. why do that? but waynne, by sticking up for the mystery man in the story and wanting to hear his side, it slightly sounds that you are doubting her credibility. (and that is the last thing she needs in this type of situation.)
First, since she was uncomfortable with his behaviour she should have told him so at the time. (She mentions that she told him UW but there is no information on what she did once they surfaced.) Second, she should have reported it to the dive shop management.

Even though time has passed she should still report it to the dive shop management and to PADI.

Legal action, civil or cirminal, is another option but they are obviously not as easy to follow through with.

As to the post below by marinediva, I am not Wayne's friend, in fact I do not even know him, but I agree with the comments he has made.

Your original reply to the OP made sense. It sounds like you have some experience in these types of situations and may have some good advice to offer the OP. If so, you should do that, I am sure she would appreciate it.

For the life of me I cannot understand the reason for your rant about Wayne's posts. What does having no SB friends have to do with anything? How do the laws of Australia relate to this matter? What in the world does "mate (sic)" mean and what does it have to do with the OP? Try and stay on topic.

Just for the record, I have only one SB friend so I guess in your book I am in the same category as Wayne. I am, however, a Canadian and I will leave it to you to decide whether that makes a difference.

Hi Wayne
Just checked your profile mate (sic)
seems you have no friends here on this site.
Maybe you treat this site with the contempt that you treat this thread..

This is not an american site, and although the US would like to think it rules and laws are above and beyond other countries, am sorry to inform you they are not.

In Australia we have two laws which would cover this type of incident.
One is criminal, and yes it would be a he said she said situation, and the onus would be on the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defense did commit the crime.
The second law is non criminal, it is covered by OH & S. It is called Sexual Harassment in the workplace.
This law deals with situations just like this.
The onus is not on the individual to prove anything.
The complaint is made and after which both parties stories are examined.
Judgments are made on who is more credible. Sexual Harassment as with bullying is something an individual feels, and that is what the cases are based on.

One womans sexual harassment is another mans 'just having a bit of fun'.

I don't have to be a lawyer to know this, in my country I can look this up on the internet, and read it in plan english, just as I suspect any one can read your american laws on the internet as well. Google is a wonderful thing.

Of course you could be just writing your post to get a bite, I always wonder about members like yourself that come in and try to play devils advocate by using the line 'ole ya just all armchair lawyers', and none of us know the poster.
Well mate (sic) none of us know you either.

Armchair lawyer I am not, previous complainant of a sexual harassment case yes, I am.
Wake up Wayne, divers come from all walks of life and membership of scuba board is not limited to those with US passports.
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Thank you Kypur and NJ. Good point NJ, I do get it. I will, while on SB, from this point on, not participate in any in depth discussions where an opinion is needed. While I may have an opinion, it's my nature to seek a view from the other side. I'm apparently not very good at being able to express a non-judgemental opinion without giving the wrong impression.
I will limit my responses to 10 words or less from here on out.

I will at this point follow Andy's lead and ****.
No no no. That is definitely not what I intended from my post. And there's no need to get snippy, sir! You are right in that there is an entire side to the story and we have not heard his version of events. We probably never will. I don't know how much I would have thought about his side of it if you and others hadn't brought it up. I just don't think support of this man (who caused the feeling of betrayal and abuse) is something I would want to hear if I felt completely violated. We all know that she may have interpreted things wrong. I think it needs to be separated like "accidents and incidents" is apart from "condolences".. many people would probably agree with you. I think you have a good point, I just don't know if that's what is going to help the OP. Maybe, maybe not. Hope she responds.
Please name names, dates, and places - to the certifying agency. If this was a PADI Resort Course I am certain that PADI will check the situation out.

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