I'm Moving to Florida!!!!!!!

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Dave - I'll have a guest room for when Marian and you visit. :D

Does Florida have In and Out burgers??? California does!!!

We have quest rooms as well! Sorry, no In-n-Out in Fl.
That does indeed help with my depression but - if all of you moved out here, life would be damn near perfect!:D

Dave - I will be perfect if we can convince Marian and you to move to Florida along with Dr. Bill, Elena, Brian, Kimber and DB. :D
Dave - I will be perfect if we can convince Marian and you to move to Florida along with Dr. Bill, Elena, Brian, Kimber and DB. :D

Hmmm, how is the car business in Miami right now? :thinking:
We have quest rooms as well! Sorry, no In-n-Out in Fl.

:shocked2: NO In-n-Out burgers!! :shocked2::shocked2::shocked2: Oh, this could pose a problem.
Hmmm, how is the car business in Miami right now? :thinking:

I'm a future customer as I have NO car now and will need one in Florida. :D
:shocked2: NO In-n-Out burgers!! :shocked2::shocked2::shocked2: Oh, this could pose a problem.

Don't fret. I'll bring some out when we visit.:wink:
Florida Residents,

I have dived Key West, Jupiter, Ft Lauderdale, Key Largo, Boynton Beach, West Palm Beach and Ginnie Springs (Ballroom only) so am torn about where I should move to, near reef and wrecks or near caves. I am very interested in cave training so will consider cave country as well.

Damn, there goes the Neighborhood! :rofl3:

Just kidding, Sam. Cave diving is verrrrrrryyyyy addictive. If you move down here and get into it you’ll want to be close enough to go after work and not to have to wait for the weekend to drive up from Orlando or over from Jacksonville.

Employment down here is ‘hit and miss’ and usually doesn’t pay what it does elsewhere. If you’re not worried about being close to a metro area and the availability of jobs, I’d stay away from Alachua County. The property taxes are exorbitant in Alachua County, which includes Gainesville, home of UF.

Ginnie is in Gilcrest County and taxes and property costs are reasonable there. Lake City’s fairly good, also, it’s in Columbia County. Now is a great time to buy property, it’s a buyers market.

Hope that helps!


PS-Look me when you get down here and I’ll take you out and show you some of the local dive sites.
Bruce - Sorry about bringing down your property value but I a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. :D

I've been to Lake City and High Springs twice when I dove Ginnie. Many thanks for the offer to take me out and show me the local dive sites, you may regret the offer. :shakehead:

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