IDIOTS kill a nurse shark

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lol, when I started watching I thought it was a murder scene, like someone else said... taxpayers money hard at work
Guess they should have offered to sell it cheaper huh?

Are nurse sharks as yummy as some of the others?

Too bad...some will never learn !
It gives the person a criminal record that can preclude them from all sorts of employment opportunities.

Which is what they'll probably get if they don't have a saltwater products license. It's illegall to sell a catch without one.
It's an animal people, not right, but at the end of day it's an animal...

In a literal sense, we are all animals. Suffering is suffering and isn't right no matter the species, if it can be prevented.
First off as a LEO.. You are paying those guys no matter if they are standing there or coming to your house to solve in ten minutes what took you and your spouse ten years to screw up. If a robbery in progress comes across the air they will leave the fishey laying there to rot in the sun. I find it ironic when I stop for 15 minutes to eat and someone makes a comment like this even though I get two fifteen minute breaks (never taken in six years) and a 30 minute lunch (once a month or less) and can get called into action at any second leaving my food to never be seen again.

I have stuffed five pieces of General Tso in my mouth and thrown the rest away running for my car more times than I care to remember.

I am in the camp of Jupiter31. There are the truly unfortunate who live in the outdoors. They make do. I speak to more prositiutes, homeless and addicts in one week than many do in a lifetime. Some of the homeless are morally superior than the Enron folks but many are also leeches sucking from the necks of the general public.

These guys had a full meal for 10 people and left it to rot on the street. I am not so well off that I would not mind having 15 shark steaks in my freezer to get me by.
LOL......can you imagine these guys. SNL couldn't come up with something this funny.
LOL......can you imagine these guys. SNL couldn't come up with something this funny.

There is - I guess - some humor in this situation; I mean, those idiots carrying a shark around on the Metromover, for christ sake, then trying to peddle it to a fish market, then just dumping it in the middle of the street :shakehead: - after 30 years of residence in Miami, you do get accustomed to a certain amount of wierdness - Miami in particular is a bizarre place. :shakehead:

But on so many other levels - my general feelings about the "homeless" aside - the story is tragic - and an animal suffered - perhaps for up to 24 hours - so you will forgive me if I don't join in the yuck fest.
Well now I see the problem here. Most of you people posting here just have not seen or caused enough human suffering in your treasured, measured lives. I can't fault you for that since I am only a casual observer to these times-at-hand, and after all the stuff I've seen, things like this just head-shakers.
For those of you who are ashamed to be humans because of the antics of these two peeps, I think the poodles are looking for someone who can read and write to repesent them at Westminster. You might be middle-of-the-pack as humans, but no poodles anywhere to date have a library or c-card.
Now from my severely distorted point-of-view, this story is just the funniest thing I've heard about in along time. But then again, when the late lady partner of a formerly-famous showgirl turned-diveshop owner in Hawaii did a 360° pirouette on her wooden leg and fell flat on her uh, face, I thought that was about the funniest thing I had seen to date, although no one else did at the time.
Somehow these two entrepreneurial scunnion heads managed to get hold of a pretty large nurse shark from somewhere and make it to Liberty City by public transit no less.
Did they live in the Julia Tuttle Causeway Camp for Convicted Baby Rapists and Public Urinators? Or were they just normal homeless people?
Ah geez, I lost my thread here. Have to go to Publix for cilantro.

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