Suggestion Idea to limit old threads

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Reaction score
West Texas/NH/CA
# of dives
200 - 499
I really enjoy 90% of SB threads to some extent. However, some threads live well beyond their usefulness and turn nasty as more and more people pile on. I have even be caught up in a few of these myself (shame on me). Would it be a good idea to keep older threads out of the Lastest Thread window and allow nature to take its course and let them die on their own? They don't have to be killed for those that are really interested in them, but they don't have to continually pop to the surface until the particpants are pecked to death either.
Why not just limit the number of replies to any thread to 200

Except of course the m/nmf thread:D

Would help keep things from being hijacked to terribly bad. That are auto-close threads that have exceeded a certain life threshold - like 60 days or something

Personally, I much prefer that people re-use an existing thread when appropriate. Another forum that I frequent enforces this pretty strictly - if you start a new thread to ask question $foo, and it's already been asked (and answered), it's obvious that you were too lazy to do a little work and search for the answer before posting.

It gets a little draconian at times (well, the right word is probably "savage", but it's a different kind of culture over there) but it's effective when you can go to ONE place and see the discussions going back years, including seeing how things have changed.
What would be nice is a Blocked Thread feature that would filter unwanted threads from display.

Good Suggestion

Actually I wouldn't mind a "blocked thread" feature under THREAD TOOLS. (Also do a link to "Show Blocked Threads" under your user area in case you ever need to find one for some reason).

I might even use this new feature to block this thread. :D
Or you can just look at the # of replies column and never open any that have more replies than whatever personal limit you have chosen.

By the time a thread has 50 replies, the original question has been answered if it ever will be. OTOH, some threads wander off in interesting directions --- if that bothers you, just don't open threads with lots of replies.
That's my general approach, but I don't use the New Posts link.
What would be nice is a Blocked Thread feature that would filter unwanted threads from display.
yeah, a way to block threads an individual doesn't want to see on the list would be useful. I blocked a few forums to avoid seeing the new list full of games and chat all the time, but that isn't the best solution nor a solution to this.

the trouble with trying to do it automatically is, there's no way for the software to know what threads still have useful discussion going on (yes, it happens!) and which are junk. Doing it by time is not really any way to judge - a thread can turn to junk fast, and people often make useful posts on older threads.
Good Suggestion

Actually I wouldn't mind a "blocked thread" feature under THREAD TOOLS. (Also do a link to "Show Blocked Threads" under your user area in case you ever need to find one for some reason).

I might even use this new feature to block this thread. :D
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Thanks for the block thread feature - guess I better go red - nice work.
Hey El orans. Thanks for the "BLOCK THREAD" Feature.

(time to get busy now... :D)

so much for that pesky MOF thread..... :rofl3:


hey, mike, we don't always talk **** there.... :rofl3:
I am also one who feels that old threads may have new use when a new member discovers them or an existing member finds them by searching, and they have new information to post on the subject. I'd rather they use the old thread than start a new one with the same subject.

Next we'll be considering the elimination of old divers... sigh.

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