Iberostar Cozumel dock fees!!!!!

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Seems to me this is effectively what they're doing with the way they've structured their fees. Drive off most of the competition and make some money off those that find a way to deal with it.

I think that is it absolutely. "IB isnt stopping you from dving with who you want and it doesnt cost YOU anything, its your dive op that wont pay our reasonable fees." Which is why I said you have to make it about the divers, not the ops.
Many 1st world business owners would be shocked to find out the utter and absolute nonsense business owners in Mexico have to go through, from the legal to the taxes, I can honestly tell you, many of you would not put up with it, and as many former Cozumel-business-owner-wannabes have in the past, you'd probably last 6 months, burn through your savings, and go back home with your tail between your legs. The taxes are ludicrous, and the politics disgusting. Cozumel would like to compete on an international destination level, but sadly it can't because Cozumel's businesses are permanently strangled by all kinds of restrictions, the main one being transportation. We dive shops should be able to have a van (or 4), pick up divers where ever the hell they want to stay, and drive them to the boat. That's the case in Cayman, Bahamas and many other dive destinations. We can't, because the taxi union is so politically powerful, and the 5 families that run the island allow them (one single organization) to run the taxis, the airport vans, the bus rentals. Cozumel is the last place in Mexico where transportation has not been liberated.

If some of you knew all the facts, you might be a little more tolerant of locals trying to fight back, by any means, and not try to antagonize a thread like this. What does it matter to you, with your 5 nine day vacations in Cozumel, (we are soooooo impressed) what us locals do or say here, to help our businesses, and perhaps our clients, you've stated you're not interested, accused me of "crying" and many other "little" jabs, well, if you're not interested, why do you keep making these long posts on this thread, taking up antagonistic positions, to further something you're not interested in???? Personally I think these exchanges fill you with self-importance and feed your enormous ego, I think you love ruffling feathers, I think it's like a hobby to you....:eyebrow: Your opinions do not stress me out Bill, in fact I look forward to reading them, as they usually make me chuckle a bit....it's really entertaining to watch you twist words and ideas around to try to fit your arguments, you post 85% coherent information, and weave 15% BS in the middle, and you're actually very good at it!!! :)

Amen Antonio! Thank you and well said!!!! (all of it)
Aww man, and there goes my lifelong dream of being Christi's BFF. :depressed:

Antonio brother, I've told you once before...I'm not emotionally tied to this issue. I'm just not going to get in a pissing match or name calling contest over it. You believe you are entitled to use a pier that belongs to someone else, I believe you are not. If you voiced your opinion in your kitchen I would stay well out of it, but you voiced it on a public web board...and I disagree...so I voiced that. You've brought plenty of emotional response but very little logic. I remain unconvinced of your entitlement.

While the two of you have joined forces however and while you are both paying attention. Perhaps you will do the board the favor of explaining your previous remarks about Dive with Martin. You both infer that DWM cuts corners and 'there are reasons they are so cheap'....so lets hear them. They have faster and nicer boats than Christi, and more of them...that much I've seen for myself. Far more staff than her operation and certainly take out more divers per year. They handle diver gear in the same way as Christi's 'boutique' and have the same surface interval with the same fruit and water. Same tanks, same reef and friendly DM's. They are not only 25% cheaper but give free rental which is not the case with Christi. Their shop is also open all day, whereas Christi's is closed during the day. So, they spend more on boats, more on staff and keep regular hours...all at lower prices. I must admit, I am at a loss...but you two seem to have your fingers on the pulse...so lets hear it.

Admittedly, I know nothing of Antonio's Scuba Du as they don't really have a following in here, get mixed reviews on tripadvisor and without some sort of raving review I've seen no need to give them a try though I do like trying other dive ops. I've enjoyed all but one of those I've had the pleasure of diving with. But I've strayed off the subject. By all means, either or both of you....explain your low opinions of Dive with Martin. I've dove with them and thought they were more than a match for Blue XT Sea. Many others in here like them as well. What is going on behind the scenes that we poor travelers could learn from you two experts? Both of you show no compunction when it comes to insinuation with regards to your competition....so lets here some facts. Antonio has twice now suggested DWM plays games with wristbands...but this last comment says it's only the tip of the iceberg? Ok, I'll bite...any proof of any of this or are you both just slinging mud in an attempt to stain the dive op who couldn't be bothered with your personal war against Iberostar?

There are also a multitude of other reasons they are a very low priced dive operation.

As it was mentioned, there are many reasons why DWM is so cheap, the "wristbands for dock fees promotion" is only the tip of that iceberg... I have nothing against DWM and I wish them the best, so I will leave it at that...
Until you run a dive op in Cozumel, your ideas and thoughts hold little to no vaLue. Its so easy for you to judge a situation based in Denver. It is much harder to live the situation in Cozumel. You continue to berate any person who is not on the same page as you. Honestly, I don't care why DWM offers their service at a low price. It is their biz model and it works for them. I am much more curious as to why you continue to be such a mean spirited know it all.
Hey I am getting the feeling that it might be time for the moderator to kill this thread. It has more plot twists than LOST!:D Its time to feel the LOVE again!:kiss2:

Lets all get back to the reason we should be on SB, GREAT DIVING IN COZUMEL!!!

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Thanks for your help figuring out that issue Gaffer!!!!!! I've sent an e-mail to the host but will continue using the gmail account to reply to you and other comcast users! :) Looking forward to meeting you in April!
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This is like what happened in south louisiana a few years back. Certain oil platforms did not want us fishing around them. They would call us on the radio and even reported us to the coast guard. They may own the platform, but not the water around it. We can fish there as long as we want. We do not tie up or touch the platform.

I understand the pier is not the offsite dive shops property. But all the dive shop does is pull up to the pier. The customer/diver is the one using the pier to board the boat. To harass the dive shops over this is wrong. They need to charge the person using the pier, not the boat using the water around the pier.
Aww man, and there goes my lifelong dream of being Christi's BFF. :depressed:

Antonio brother, I've told you once before...I'm not emotionally tied to this issue. I'm just not going to get in a pissing match or name calling contest over it. You believe you are entitled to use a pier that belongs to someone else, I believe you are not. If you voiced your opinion in your kitchen I would stay well out of it, but you voiced it on a public web board...and I disagree...so I voiced that. You've brought plenty of emotional response but very little logic. I remain unconvinced of your entitlement.

While the two of you have joined forces however and while you are both paying attention. Perhaps you will do the board the favor of explaining your previous remarks about Dive with Martin. You both infer that DWM cuts corners and 'there are reasons they are so cheap'....so lets hear them. They have faster and nicer boats than Christi, and more of them...that much I've seen for myself. Far more staff than her operation and certainly take out more divers per year. They handle diver gear in the same way as Christi's 'boutique' and have the same surface interval with the same fruit and water. Same tanks, same reef and friendly DM's. They are not only 25% cheaper but give free rental which is not the case with Christi. Their shop is also open all day, whereas Christi's is closed during the day. So, they spend more on boats, more on staff and keep regular hours...all at lower prices. I must admit, I am at a loss...but you two seem to have your fingers on the pulse...so lets hear it.

Admittedly, I know nothing of Antonio's Scuba Du as they don't really have a following in here, get mixed reviews on tripadvisor and without some sort of raving review I've seen no need to give them a try though I do like trying other dive ops. I've enjoyed all but one of those I've had the pleasure of diving with. But I've strayed off the subject. By all means, either or both of you....explain your low opinions of Dive with Martin. I've dove with them and thought they were more than a match for Blue XT Sea. Many others in here like them as well. What is going on behind the scenes that we poor travelers could learn from you two experts? Both of you show no compunction when it comes to insinuation with regards to your competition....so lets here some facts. Antonio has twice now suggested DWM plays games with wristbands...but this last comment says it's only the tip of the iceberg? Ok, I'll bite...any proof of any of this or are you both just slinging mud in an attempt to stain the dive op who couldn't be bothered with your personal war against Iberostar?

I can just see you at the keyboard, hoping you'll get a bite to the above bait. It is precisely because of people like you, and what you would do with such information, that I would not post it on here, your intentions are so clear. And as usual your facts are mixed in with BS, how can you compare DWM boats with BlueXTS, or their service, anyone who knows (and I'm sure most on here can't) both those operations well, can see that again you are comparing apples to oranges, but you are saying apples to apples. I could go on a long explanation detailing the differences, but that would be playing into your little game, and I won't. Regardless of how many times you are proved wrong, you'll come back with another angle of BS to "give the appearance" that you're not wrong, I don't doubt for a second that you even convince yourself. I'm done with this thread and with you Billyboy, I wish you no ill will, keep enjoying Cozumel...


....and without some sort of raving review I've seen....
You're not looking hard enough Bill, we have many YEARS of raving reviews:
Scuba Du Reviews
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Christi, I got a better question: Do you ever get to get wet? You are so fast on here.....

Actually I do :) Not as often as I'd like - but I do get to dive when the boats aren't full and when I'm not inundated with paperwork and e-mails :) I usually check the board in the morning and again in the afternoon and in between if there's something of interest and I have something to contribute :)
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