I finally did it! Signed up for a bull riding school (trip report in this thread)

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I'd rather have you safe.

Thank you and I will be. If kids 13 and under can do this and not get killed I've got a pretty good shot at staying alive and in one piece. My penchant for walking into the street without looking both ways is what should have you concerned :wink:
Ber :lilbunny:
Ber Rabbit:
Nothing sneaky about a bull who wants to kill you. Like scuba, the risks can be mitigated by professionals who are familiar with the environment and the participant's personalities.

i'm sorry, i ain't diving with no bull
i'm sorry, i ain't diving with no bull

LOL! A bull may be a safer diver than some of the people we see out there :D

If I like this school I may even try the bull fighting school next time. It's just like playing tag, a game I loved and was really good at as a kid :D
Ber :lilbunny:
Ber Rabbit:
I don't do tetanus shots, I'll take my chances with the tetanus. I was 7 the first time I had one, they told me I would need another in 7 years. I can still remember how I dreaded turning 14, for 7 years I dreaded it. I was terrified when I turned 14 but my parents never mentioned the tetanus shot. I had another one when I was about 21 but that's the last one I had, they've wanted to give me others but I refused and I'm still here.

I remember when they used to check you for scoliosis (sp?) in school, I always got my mom to sign the slip that said she refused to let them check me. I remember the year I forgot to bring my slip to be excused. I got so worked up and upset while waiting my turn that the people doing the test refused to do it. I think all they really do for that is run a finger down your back and have you stand next to a string. Did I mention it was a completely irrational fear that tends to result in blind panic? I've extended my level of emotional control and I don't flip out quite that bad for non-invasive stuff now but it's taken years to get to this point.

I'm sorry Ber, I didn't realize it was that serious. Have you considered orally taking demoral or valium before going to a doctor? I USED to hate dentists. But in the last few years I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled and one of my front teeth pulled after breaking it....and I have to say, it was almost fun. Drugs are amazing.
But good luck on your ride.
Ber Rabbit:
Sane reaction? :letsparty: What ever led you to believe I was sane? :rofl2:
Ber :lilbunny:

Those of us that know you are under no such misconceptions. :D :D :D

I'm sorry Ber, I didn't realize it was that serious. Have you considered orally taking demoral or valium before going to a doctor? I USED to hate dentists. But in the last few years I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled and one of my front teeth pulled after breaking it....and I have to say, it was almost fun. Drugs are amazing.
But good luck on your ride.

No worries, it's an irrational blinding fear that I'm working hard to control. I would love it if they would prescribe something to take the edge off but I'm too afraid to ask.

Now you see why even my mother would insist they let the bull stomp me unconscious before chasing him off, I'm SOOO much easier to hospitalize that way :wink:

Those of us that know you are under no such misconceptions.


Ber Rabbit:
Riding a bull is something I've wanted to try for a long time. I was doing some bored out of my mind net-surfing one day and came across Sankey Rodeo schools. Low and behold they are holding a 3-day bull riding school in Van Wert, OH--maybe an hour and a half drive from me. I figured I would have to go out west if I ever wanted to try my hand at bull riding so I took this as a sign that I should go for it before I get too old to heal from injuries--37 isn't exactly a spring chicken for this sport :eyebrow:

I get to live out my dream Sept 29-Oct 1, 2006--hubby has promised to visit me weekly in the nursing home :11: Anyone else interested in taking the class? I'd love to have someone there to learn with!
Ber :lilbunny:

Now why would a cute little rabbit like you want to antagonize many hundred pounds of bovine?
If you get busted up you might not be able to dive.
Now why would a cute little rabbit like you want to antagonize many hundred pounds of bovine?
If you get busted up you might not be able to dive.

It's something I've wanted to do since I was a girl. I like the challenge to both my balance and reaction time and I like the feeling of raw power between my legs (don't even go there guys, don't even go there) and a bull is raw power. I get the chance to live a dream and I won't let the opportunity pass me by and spend the rest of my life wondering if I could have stayed on.

Busted up=no diving, yes but it's a regulated if not controlled environment. They want you to enjoy yourself and they probably would like to see repeat customers. Getting people hurt would not be conducive to either of the above. The risks aren't any greater than the ones we take when we dive, they are different but not greater.
Ber :lilbunny:
Ber Rabbit:
It's something I've wanted to do since I was a girl. I like the challenge to both my balance and reaction time and I like the feeling of raw power between my legs (don't even go there guys, don't even go there) and a bull is raw power. I get the chance to live a dream and I won't let the opportunity pass me by and spend the rest of my life wondering if I could have stayed on.

Busted up=no diving, yes but it's a regulated if not controlled environment. They want you to enjoy yourself and they probably would like to see repeat customers. Getting people hurt would not be conducive to either of the above. The risks aren't any greater than the ones we take when we dive, they are different but not greater.
Ber :lilbunny:

A nuclear (or nucular) explosion is raw power. A bull is an angry animal with an unwanted rider that he wants desperately to get off his back. There is a difference. The bull cannot be predicted. He cannot be reasoned with and told "stop, I want to get off". He has no "disengage" switch. He will try to throw you and stomp your floppy ears into the dirt. :(

You are crazy.
I spent 8 years doing the rodeo clown bit. I have seen most of the schools at one point or another. The Sankey school is probably only second to Gary Leffew's and unless you catch Judd or Paul Bret Leffew on the road you would have to come to Ca to get in one of his. In any case you haven't gone wrong. Lyle Sankey puts on a good school.

Most of thier schools are directed at people who are already riding and focused on enhancing thier skills. So check out if they supply any of the equipment. At the very least you will probably need a good pair of boots (ropers or something of the sort). Sneakers and spurs don't mix. Other than that be prepared to have fun, and discover muscles you didn't know could hurt...

Oh!!! GRats on realizing a dream!!!!

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