I finally did it! Signed up for a bull riding school (trip report in this thread)

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Way to go, Ber, my hat's off to you! Is that Sankey, as in related to Lyle Sankey?

I rodeo'd a bit in my younger years, strictly amature, of course. Only rode a bull once, scared the bejeezus out of me. That takes guts.

I also have an uncle (deceased) and cousin (retired) who used to belong to PRCA. My cousin was an excellent all around rough stock rider. He got into a vicious circle, got injured repeatedly, began taking pain meds, got addicted to meds and eventually had to quit. He has since had to sell trophy saddles, buckles, what have you to get by. I think he's back on his feet, now, with a good job, and is drug/alcohol free.
Ber Rabbit:
Riding a bull is something I've wanted to try for a long time. I was doing some bored out of my mind net-surfing one day and came across Sankey Rodeo schools. Low and behold they are holding a 3-day bull riding school in Van Wert, OH--maybe an hour and a half drive from me. I figured I would have to go out west if I ever wanted to try my hand at bull riding so I took this as a sign that I should go for it before I get too old to heal from injuries--37 isn't exactly a spring chicken for this sport :eyebrow:

I get to live out my dream Sept 28-30, 2006--hubby has promised to visit me weekly in the nursing home :11: Anyone else interested in taking the class? I'd love to have someone there to learn with!
Ber :lilbunny:

Women....you're all nuts. Wasn't it just last week you were saying how terrified you are of doctors? Like a doctor can hurt you worse than a bull? ....I guess.... if he ran over you with his car....I swear Ber....women....
I thought you were smarter than that, Darlin'........uh err, I guess I knew better than that. Can I have your gear?
Ber Rabbit:
Riding a bull is something I've wanted to try for a long time. I was doing some bored out of my mind net-surfing one day and came across Sankey Rodeo schools. Low and behold they are holding a 3-day bull riding school in Van Wert, OH--maybe an hour and a half drive from me. I figured I would have to go out west if I ever wanted to try my hand at bull riding so I took this as a sign that I should go for it before I get too old to heal from injuries--37 isn't exactly a spring chicken for this sport :eyebrow:

I get to live out my dream Sept 29-Oct 1, 2006--hubby has promised to visit me weekly in the nursing home :11: Anyone else interested in taking the class? I'd love to have someone there to learn with!
Ber :lilbunny:
you know, great mods such as yourself are hard to come by!!! so go and have fun and kick that bulls azz, but dont you get hurt, and come back safe!! have a great time bunny rabbit!!!!!:D
Let me think about it..... No.

Please, keep us posted and have fun. Something tells me the bulls don't stand a chance.

Aww come on, it's going to be fun :eyebrow:

El Orans:
Dont forget to post a class report (with pix).
Hopefully there will be pix, I know they take video. Family members are allowed to come and watch so hopefully I can get someone (a family member or someone posing as one) to come along and take some pics. Want to be my brother for a day or two?

can you ride a horse, at least? you are kinda tiny for this stuff, aren't you?

why don't you just ride the one at Gilley's in Houston?

well, you are going to have to get a new handle...have you seen the bull-riders names?

there is a very nice bull rider here on the board...his name is 8bucks or something like that. he is a REAL bullrider for cash. I will check my pmbox and get his name!

I had a horse from the time I was 12 until I was 21, I've got some pics of me riding her somewhere around here, when I find them I'll post them.

If it were pro-rodeo then size and strength might matter more. I've got decent balance and my strength to weight ratio are close (I can hang on for dear life quite well) I needed a bit of motivation to get into the gym anyway. I have 2 months to build some strength. Normally females ride two handed but I'm going with one if they'll let me--there's no sport in two handed riding for me.

I've ridden mechanical bulls on a couple of occasions. I did get tossed off once but I was experimenting with holding the left hand handle with my right hand--doesn't work so well :wink:

My cousin rode bulls from the time he was 12 until he was 18. A racehorse crushed his riding hand at 18 so he started clowning/fighting bulls. When I was in junior high he was watching me ride my horse and mentioned that I have a bull riders seat. He tried to convince my dad to let me get into high school rodeo and ride bulls--obviously dad was having none of that. I saw him after several rodeos, he would stop by the house with a dried blood spot somewhere or another. He was gored in the butt once and in the back of the head another time. He had broken his leg one time and filed the cast down so he could get his spur on to ride the next weekend. He told stories about his clowning and the wrecks he helped pull guys out of. One was "hung up" and while my cousin tried to free him the bull gored the guy in the face, luckily the rider only lost an eye. While there are lots of risks involved it's a school and like teaching scuba it's bad form to injure/kill students. There will be classroom work as well as "Mighty Bucky" (a bucking dummy) practice so they can decide which bull fits your skills. I'd like to get a couple nice 8-second 1-handed rides with clean dismounts out of this class.

Way to go, Ber, my hat's off to you! Is that Sankey, as in related to Lyle Sankey?

I rodeo'd a bit in my younger years, strictly amature, of course. Only rode a bull once, scared the bejeezus out of me. That takes guts.

Actually it is Lyle Sankey's school I'm guessing you may be familiar with it if you know the name; correct?

I've seen some nasty rides on tv but the amateur stuff I've seen ranges from fun to "Hey, that ones broke to saddle." One bull at a rodeo where my cousin was fighting walked out of the chute and just stood there. Even the clowns couldn't make him buck he just walked around the arena--needless to say the rider got a re-ride.

Women....you're all nuts. Wasn't it just last week you were saying how terrified you are of doctors? Like a doctor can hurt you worse than a bull? ....I guess.... if he ran over you with his car....I swear Ber....women....

Yep absolutely terrified of doctors, it's an ingrained irrational fear. Dying on the other hand doesn't scare me, we all have to do that sooner or later. I guess I better ride and dismount well so I can avoid seeing a doctor huh? :wink:

Walter, yes you can have my gear if the bull turns me into hamburger. Hubby dropped a tree on my head once and didn't manage to kill me or send me to the doctor (didn't even knock me down and the part that hit me was as big as my thigh) so as long as the bull stomps on my head I should be fine :eyebrow:

Hey Chad, Bruce promised to visit me weekly at the nursing home, I'm sure you'll be welcome to tag along :D

I'm really looking forward to it--now to get my butt in the gym!
Ber :lilbunny:
Ber Rabbit:
I guess I better ride and dismount well so I can avoid seeing a doctor huh? :wink:


Yeah, make sure you don't get stomped on or gored. Lord help you if that happens and you need to get a tetnus shot. :D
Enjoy the sport, enjoy the adrenaline rush, and remember I am jealous. You are going to have so much fun. Kick that bulls booty!
Ber Rabbit:
Walter, yes you can have my gear if the bull turns me into hamburger. Hubby dropped a tree on my head once and didn't manage to kill me or send me to the doctor (didn't even knock me down and the part that hit me was as big as my thigh) so as long as the bull stomps on my head I should be fine :eyebrow:

I'd rather have you safe.
ah... Ber... you are aware that bulls are large animals with horns and who weigh more
than a Volkswagen?

not to mention they tend to be somewhat to the "always pissed off" side of the hostile personality spectrum?

to put this in perspective, if i came up to you right now and said, "Hey, Ber, i have a pissed off, large animal outside weighting 2,000 lbs with sharp horns, would you like to piss it off even more??!!??"

what would the sane reaction be?

Yeah, make sure you don't get stomped on or gored. Lord help you if that happens and you need to get a tetnus shot. :D

I don't do tetanus shots, I'll take my chances with the tetanus. I was 7 the first time I had one, they told me I would need another in 7 years. I can still remember how I dreaded turning 14, for 7 years I dreaded it. I was terrified when I turned 14 but my parents never mentioned the tetanus shot. I had another one when I was about 21 but that's the last one I had, they've wanted to give me others but I refused and I'm still here.

I remember when they used to check you for scoliosis (sp?) in school, I always got my mom to sign the slip that said she refused to let them check me. I remember the year I forgot to bring my slip to be excused. I got so worked up and upset while waiting my turn that the people doing the test refused to do it. I think all they really do for that is run a finger down your back and have you stand next to a string. Did I mention it was a completely irrational fear that tends to result in blind panic? I've extended my level of emotional control and I don't flip out quite that bad for non-invasive stuff now but it's taken years to get to this point.

ah... Ber... you are aware that bulls are large animals with horns and who weigh more
than a Volkswagen?

not to mention they tend to be somewhat to the "always pissed off" side of the hostile personality spectrum?

to put this in perspective, if i came up to you right now and said, "Hey, Ber, i have a pissed off, large animal outside weighting 2,000 lbs with sharp horns, would you like to piss it off even more??!!??"

what would the sane reaction be?

Ah yes, 2000 pounds of angry hamburger :D They aren't all man-eaters though and the risk is most likely comparable to scuba diving. The only difference is that scuba is usually sneaky when it kills you; air embolisms, dcs, etc. don't come charging at you with snot flying and horns sweeping. Nothing sneaky about a bull who wants to kill you. Like scuba, the risks can be mitigated by professionals who are familiar with the environment and the participant's personalities.

Sane reaction? :letsparty: What ever led you to believe I was sane? :rofl2:
Ber :lilbunny:

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