howarde:Isn't a simple marking of the tank with the O2% (or if trimix O2 and He %) adequate? who says it has to be a HUGE sticker with NITROX?
I think part of the problem is because SCUBA Diving is fast becoming a "fashionable" sport. Look at all the brightly colored gear you can buy, and all the little trinkets to adorn that gear.
The big "NITROX" sticker is like a merit badge, a status symbol to some people. Hey! Look at me! I dive NITROX!
The Divers who really understand their equipment and the requirements that go with it, know that all that is required is a valid VIP sticker and a contents sticker. Unfortunately, it seems the vast majority, including a lot of shops, are setting their own "standards" and trying to force them on everyone. :shakehead