Hurricane Ivan is next...

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The map you posted shows landfall in Mobile, AL, not FL. Close though :) earlier this morning it was showing a direct hit on Gulf Shores/Orange Beach and reaching north over my house and then shortly after, it would have hit my parents house directly as well.

Winds are at 140mph now.

All barrier islands on the panhandle and everyone in trailers or below Highway 98 are in a manditory evacuation.

Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, and Ft Morgan in AL along with anyone in a river flood zone are in a mandatory evac as well. People in Baldwin County and everyone below 98 in AL are under a voluntary evac. Possible evac of Baldwin County south of I-10 later(which would include both my own and my parents houses).

I'm heading to my parents house, it lies pretty high compared to most of the places around here so I'll only have to worry about missles(trees). The storm track seems to be drifting west again, so I'm hoping for a MS impact(sorry John!-LOL). No work until Monday-ish.

I'll be taking pictures throughout the storm. As long as we have power I'll post the pics and weather conditions starting tomorrow evening - as much as I can atleast while trying to fight my father off the internet at the same time :wink: We pretty much count on our neighborhood losing power during any tropical event or even any decently sized normal T-storm. Any luck and the parents will be back online Friday evening or over the weekend. My house should be powered up a bit faster being closer to town.

Windows at both houses are boarded and I'm packed. I have my survival gear, my UW survival gear :wink: , extra clothes, and my Zodiac packed in the back of my truck. Got my important papers and some cash stowed, I'm ready to rock even if plans change.

Like I said before, I'll keep checking in as long as possible. Later
The map you posted shows landfall in Mobile, AL, not FL. Close though :)

yup... my bad

Like I said before, I'll keep checking in as long as possible. Later

stay safe, man
Will do, and thanks!

Looking like Pascagoula, MS now. Move west baby move! :D
Well I started a post this time yesterday about Cancun, we were looking straight down the barrel at that time, but somehow, for some reason Ivan squeezed through the Yucatan channel like a fat lady going down the aisle on the bus.

We had wind but virtually no rain last night, as far as I can tell so far, not even any real tree damage although I have yet to go to the hotel zone.

That makes four in a row close calls for Cancun now. Mitch, Keith, Isador and Ivan.
Ivan was too close for comfort though and provoked a reaction that we havent had since Mitch. I think it missed us because the large wobbling lobe wobbled to the Cuba side as it went through the channel.

Best of luck for those in the firing line now. Head for high ground if you can.
Most of the gas stations are only pumping premium gas, or are completely out. Most of the supermarkets are out of water, bread, ect. I did manage to pick up a dozen cans of Spagetti Os and an 18 pack of silver bullet, ah, the essentials.

Both, my own and the parents house are now in a mandatory evac area. We're going to stay across the street at my parents neighbors house - which is definately more solid. Our neighborhood sits on high ground and water definately won't be a problem. Just gotta keep an eye for trees. Ivan is coming at night, so its going to be hard to identify damage until morning.

Thursday evening(doubtful) or Friday I'll go for a little drive and see whats changed. I'll check in with reports as often as I can. Later
Most of the gas stations are only pumping premium gas, or are completely out. Most of the supermarkets are out of water, bread, ect. I did manage to pick up a dozen cans of Spagetti Os and an 18 pack of silver bullet, ah, the essentials.
Welcome to my world (also fairly similar on the SW and SE coasts i am sure) for the past 4-6 weeks - it doesnt suddenly become available for up to a week afterwards either (assuming there is power to pump gas and light up the store).

Good luck though through this!!!
Looks like the models have it skirting the east coast just like they had Ivan skirting the west - lets hope it stays offshore, i can handle two near misses one on each coast after having two shoot through :wink:
Jeanne is going to hook north... Jeanne is going to hook north... just keep saying that....

:15a: Are we done yet?

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