Normally, you are right, reducing SAC is not a goal and improves with experience.Also, you shouldnt really have a goal to reduce your sac to begin with.
Good sac rate is a result of good technique and efficiency in the water, so thats what you should focus on, and then sac rate will fall into place and you will reach your personal good sac rate. For everybody its a different number.
However, OP appears to be experienced and with good technique from his description, and the problem, according to him, is that he works as a divemaster and probably concerned that he finishes air first. I can imagine some customers still with half tank full, pissed off that they cut the dive short because the DM runs out of air, or to have more reserve for one of those inexperienced divers that "suddenly" surprise you with a signal you they OOA...So I can understand the concern to improve sac in his case.