How much should I spend on new Gear

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Scubadude, in this sport the skies the limit! But you can certainly aquire an excellent cold water system for under $1000. (assuming you dive in Vancouver)
Then it depends on wet suit or dry suit, toys etc.

.........Only as much as you can afford. Seriously, you will probably not be satisfied with gear that totals less than $1000 (and I have certainly spent a whole lot more). The way you phrased the question makes me think that budget is a major limitation for you. Scuba is an expensive hobby. You will need to pick your gear wisely and attractively value priced, if you are going to have any hope of being satisfied on a small budget. Best wishes.
A thousand? DOLLARS? Heck, a tank, reg, and BC ALONE will cost that.

Lets see: Hog setup $350
Coldwater regs $350
Steel tank $250
Wetsuit: $275 (going cheap)
Light $100
Guages $200 (going cheap again)

How anyone gets a quality setup for $1k unless they buy used, I can't see.

This is assuming the mask, fin, snorkel.
PerroneFord - I was thinking the same thing. Just a quick in the head tally for basic line gear is $1, 500.00
I will probably go on thursday and buy equipment. I hope that I can get some decent equipment for under 1500 or under 2000
For $2000, you can get outfitted well. $1500 is pushing it in my book. However, i would STRONGLY suggest you not buy gear this week. And probably not next week either. Spend some time on this board talking to the divers from your area. There are a LOT of of them. Find out what they dive and why. Learn from their mistakes.

There will be a lot of shops in your area that will help part you from your money. Make sure you are getting what you pay for and are not getting taken for a ride. There are VAST differences in the gear available, and the most expensive is not always the best.
I agree with Perrone.
There is a good chance if you don't already know exactly what you want, that you will go and spend $2000 on what you *think* you want, and then in 6 months time you'll spend another $2000 buying the stuff you *know* want.

There is also a very good chance that if you haven't done *real* research before hand, that what the dive shop tells you is best is not actually best for you. First spend some time hiring and if you can, borrowing gear to try as many different brands and setups as you can. At the very least if you aren't able to hire or otherwise try different equipment, talk to other divers in your area. Most divers would be more than happy to talk gear until the cows come home!

And certainly look at second hand equipment. There always seem to be a lot of newly cert'd divers who go out and spend $2k or $3k on equipment, and give it up a year later. But always make sure thats its in good condition, and if possible get someone who knows what they're doing to check it out before parting with $$$.
I agree with everyone. Spending 1000 could get you by but chances are if you dive regularly you'll be replacing or upgrading within 6 months. When I first seriously thought about getting certified I went to a local lds that is now out of business. They told me I could get what I needed from them for about 1500-1800. A couple months went by and I finally decided to do it and weht back and they were closed because their building lease was terminated. Rather than reopen they just closed up. I went to another and they basically told me the same thing. But then he asked just how much was I planning to dive and what were my longterm goals as far as it was concerned. So I thought about it and within 3 months spent about 3000! Since then on gear and courses I've spent over 9000 since getting certified in July of 04. And I haven't got my doubles or can light yet! Although we just got put on mandatory ot so it will be not long at all before I give Tim at Nocturnal another call. TL50 extreme I'm thinking. And will most likely have a set of pst E7 80's doubled up along with a tech rig by the end of this year. I already have two plus 3 steel 72's so two more won't hurt. I'm also most of the way thru DM. I spent 200 or so more than I needed to at the time on a bc that was more than I needed as a newbie but it is just what I need as a DM candidate. So before you jump look, listen, and think. What will you be doing 3 mos from now, 6 mos from now, and what can you afford? It may cost you more than you think you need to spend right now but it may save money in the long run.

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