How many of you smoke?

do you smoke?

  • I smoke

    Votes: 73 21.3%
  • I don't smoke

    Votes: 269 78.7%

  • Total voters

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Wow !!!

According to the poll more that 3/4 of us don't smoke.
That is GREAT !!

The nurse in me is very pleased.
Keep up the good work.
I know what you mean Kodiak. The last time I got sucked back into smoking was up in Montreal. I was on a College Class trip. Our teacher was a little younger than me. He liked to smoke a good cigar also. So I bought us both one. I should of bought him an apple.

So I was hooked again after 5 years of not smoking. It took a $100 bucks of Nicoderm to quit this time. At least I know that I can't even have one.

I am sure that is somewhat confusing so let me explain. I smoke Cigars, and it is normally rare... maybe one or two in a month. And yes they are the really good one's :wink: Cuban's!

Rich :eek:ut:
...... But I look forward to a liveaboard, in 7 days, and in my experience with dive boats is, zero tolerence! So I figure after 7 days on the boat I should be done. Wish me luck!:)
i dont smoke and never want to try i have my hole life and wanna live the most of it and anyways i wouldnt be able to breath as good under water cause id be a cancer bag, with big black lungs yuck.

I'm one of the few that do smoke. I never really wanted to give it up until I started diving two weeks ago. I was trying to see how I could save up enough $$$ to get the SCUBA toys I really want, rather than just the basic mid-range priced stuff. I was also trying to figure out how I could afford to make a few more trips to the ocean to get in some nice diving. It was my non-smoking hubby who told me ho wmuch I spend a month on cigs. ($120.00!!!! OUCH!) So, at this rate, four months of not smoking will buy me the regs and octo I want....another five will buy me my computer (at full price...the rate my LDS wants would take me 3.5 months.) Two months of not smoking will afford me a trip to San Carlos, Mexico for a weekend....yadda yadda yadda.

SO....After I went diving this morning, I stopped at Walgreens and bought some Nicoderm CQ. I have three smokes left in my last pack- so after I'm done here- I am going to light up and smoke them all with a nice glass of wine. (And probably end up with a hangover at work tomorrow! LOL)

If anyone has ANY pointers, hints or whatever helped them, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pass them on! I know it'll make me nuts while I'm driving, and after dinner. (When I smoke the MOST.)

Wish me LUCK!!!!!!!!

Waiting to get her new gear from all the $$$ she'll be saving!
If I can quit, anyone can quit. I smoked 1 1/2 to 2 packs of non-filters a day for 30 yrs!

The key is really wanting to.
Keep your goals in mind.
Thinking my air consumption would improve helped me. (it hasn't yet)
I used the patch and Zyban. When I "tweaked" I would cheat and have a piece of nicorette. That didn't happen much.

It was a lot easier than I thought it would be!

When you want one really, really bad, don't have it no matter what. soon it will get easier.

You can do it!!! :thumb:

PS. I'm now 6 months smoke free
Hello SCUBAKristey,
First of all, congratulations on becoming a diver. You will find it well worth the effort you are going to face. Diving is the most wonderful experience you can do.
Smoking is habitual just like any other drug. It takes much will power to stop completely. You WILL have the very strong urge to "just smoke one". If you do that you will have to start quiting all over again. The hardest part for me was the parties, after diner, and like you said while having a drink, wine, beer, etc. My driving force was my wife. She is a microbiologist and had been after me to quite my 3 pack a day habit, for about a year. One day I was in her hospital labaratory and she told me she had something to show me. It was in a container and looked like a piece of charcoal that had been crushed into very fine granulars. I didn't get what she was showing me. She finally said "this is the lung of a 37 year old male, smoked since he was 17, and died last week of lung cancer. I happened to be 40 years old at the time and had started smoking in the military at the age of 20. I laughed it off but, the sight of that lung and how it looked stayed in my mind. I decided to quite about 3 weeks after that. The next 6 months were pure hell. I was okay until I was in the presence of someone else smoking. I could have eaten the whole pack. Now understand that was 15 years ago, long before Nicoderm or any of the other helpers were invented and a pack was about 50 cents. If I could do it, so can you especially with the helper prescriptons and surely the price($120/month) . This has to be something you WANT to do. Even then you may slip, I know I did, it is not the end of the world but, like I said you wiii have to start quiting all over again. I hope you can kick a harmful habit, save your cigerette money and buy all the fun things to use with a much better habit, scuba diving. Good Luck and keep us informed as to your progression. AS Tavi said:
I smoked over a pack a day for nearly 20 years. Then one day about eight years ago I was driving with my (then) three year old son. We were on our way to join with a friend and go fishing on his boat. I lit up a cigarette and Kris looked at me with that pride that a son has when he's joining his father as 'one of the guys', and innocently said, "Daddy's smoke, don't they?"

I put the thing out and went cold turkey, from that day forward. I had about two and a half packs in my glove compartment for months, until friends slowly bummed them away from me.

Thanks, Kris!

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