I have a category issue here.
My undergrad degree was a BS in Computer and Communication Sciences in 1976. (Holy Sh*t, that's a long time ago.) I remember going to a Tau Beta Pi meeting where some guy from this startup company called Intel showed us these 8080 chips that were originally designed to run a digital clock, and somebody realized they could be used to make a computer, and would we like to buy a kit to try it? We were programming on terminals attached to an Amdahl 370 mainframe with a staggering 512K of core memory, writing code in IBM 360 Assembler, Algol, and Fortran. If you wanted the lastest, coolest info, you read it in Byte.
So I graduated, went to law school, and I've been a lawyer ever since. I was an early Mac convert (try using a 512K Mac for word processing) and I write programs in C++ and VBA for my own amusement. I doubt if this could be considered normal.
I guess I'm a geek wannabe.