How Many Dives Did You Do in 2007?

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25. I would go broke before I got as many as some of you. Over a 100 a year! WOW! Im just hoping to break 30 for my 1 year anniversary of getting certified. Maybe I could sell the house buy a boat and start up a dive charter operation and become an instructor so I get those mega dive numbers.
This year I stopped counting my dives. But at least 100. I think?
Just 75-80, but this year will be better. Did an oyster dive yesterday and already have two trips already scheduled to NC this summer. I will also do more local ocean diving out of Ocean City, MD. Just waiting for the schedule to be posted to sign up. Its going to be a great year.
In the 150 range, but must admit to not logging every single one. And I'm not sure if it's fair to include all of working dives count? No, I'm not a commercial diver, but during July-August I do some work for a dive shop, mostly on mussel leases...those dives really add up. I should post some of the video I took this summer...
I can't wait to get certified.

Just don't "hold your breath," Jeff. Ha!

I did 306 dives in 2007, with very little diving in November and December compared to my usual rate due to travel and other factors. I'm hoping to dive less this year (say 200 dives) and edit more.
I got in 49 dives and I finally have more Ocean dives than Fresh Water dives. Woo Hoo! (I hit #300 this year too).

In 2008 I doubt I will get in that many though.... looks like a down year for dive trips due to $$$. (I am still paying for last years trips on my credit card.)
100 exactly for me, hoping to meet or beat that in 2008.
I did 27 dives from july 26th to december 30th. Not bad for a first year, even though I was certified in 2001-2002.

15 in fresh water
12 in salt water

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