SDI ask for 100 dives and 'advanced diver' rating. If PADI were to ever run the course, I would hope the prerequisites were 'rescue diver + 100'.
The PADI recreational wreck, ice and cavern courses all require AOW certification before entry.
The entry-level DSAT tech programme asks for rescue, nitrox and deep certifications with 50 dives. Full tech certification (Tech 50) requires 100 dives.
TDI Extended Range diver demands 100 dives (25 deeper than 30msw).
I believe that it needs to be more skill based than how many dives or prerequisite courses you have. I never took AOW because I was already doing those dives with others who were experienced but not instructors. They were mentors and that is how I learned. I don't have the money to waste on instruction that does not benefit me beyond what I can get through mentors and experience. AOW is that kind of class for me. I would like to take rescue, I have been impeded in the past by not taking AOW. The same thing happened for solo. I had the comfort level in the water of someone having 100 dives during OW class. I practiced buoyancy and got comfortable with my gear before being confident that I could perform solo diving. I was ready to learn far earlier than 100 dives and so the SDI course was out of the question. I would have rather seen skill based learning so that arbitrary numbers or courses that are not needed would not have kept me from taking the classes that I needed. It would have been a waste of time to take the SDI course when I hit 100 dives because at least 25% of my dives had already been solo and I had done exhaustive research before even trying to solo intentionally. It would have thrilled me to be able to have the instruction when I needed it - alas it was out of reach.
... The ability to 'directly ascend to the surface' is a critical determining factor when describing recreational diving. The fact that a diver can always immediately head for the surface makes things very safe indeed. Coupled with recreational diving depth limits, it makes most problems easily survivable.
The ability to ascend directly to the surface always provides a chance of living. With Tech or Cave, there is no direct ascent to the surface.
Only in the sense that your body would be easier to snatch and try to revive. If you died on your way up in OW (from a failure while solo) you would still be dead. Slim difference and not one that I think should be a defining factor between the two.
I'd rather CESA from 95' than blow 2 hours of deco by surfacing from 20'.
I'm thinking more on the lines of no deco, less than 130' linear foot cave dives. What if that is compared to 130' OW solo diving - how do the risks stack up?
For fear of completely hijacking the thread...shall we start that as a new discussion?
I'd love to see info on the subject - in this thread or another. Our whole discussion pretty much hijacked the OP's original intent ---- OOPS, Sorry