How do you get purchases by your spouse?

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In the wife's view, it is frivolous..and If your trying to attempt to convince her...this is the opinion that counts!!

Women fully know that men scheme for hours to come up with the most reasonable and plausible reasons why the "spectro-gamma-camera with night vision and beamotron lazers" was absolutely necessary.

You need to take male hat off, female hat on...frivolous for you? nooo...lots more air, more dive time, buddies will envy..the list goes on.

but the key is, to convince her...unlikely.

So plan B? deflect!
I think one of my favorite stories was from someone I know who was renovating. They had a wall unit custom built along one wall and when they put their TV in place, it had gaps around it...the wife says..."I think we need a bigger TV...that space just looks stupid". secret to many home improvement projects is to ensure that your current stuff "won't look right" or "match" with the new improvements. In this case...color coordinate the tank to your the "old" painted stuff would violate rule 6...:D
If she's your dive buddy, then the sky is the limit on dive purchases. :eyebrow:
Let's see, we do the separate account thing; we are pretty open and talk things over; we avoid the credit card thing.

But the two most important things that I have going for me at the moment is:
I spend far more money on her than I do for myself, and, best of all, she owes me because she has spent more money on dive gear in the last year than I have. :wink:
bwerb: secret to many home improvement projects is to ensure that your current stuff "won't look right" or "match" with the new improvements. In this case...color coordinate the tank to your the "old" painted stuff would violate rule 6...:D
Grey and black as compared to what other colour of gear??? :wink:
Uncle Pug:
Perhaps you could just say, "I know you couldn't think of anything to get me for our anniversary last month... so I picked this up for you to give me... here... give it to me."

Maybe, on second thought, better leave off the "...give it to me" part.

SUweeeet! :rofl:
In this case...color coordinate the tank to your the "old" painted stuff would violate rule 6...:D

Been there done that all ready. All my tanks are PST's anyway. So much for Rule #6. Besides she can outdo me in that dept. when she starts buying cloths for each season.

I can't complain: this is a woman who bought me a sports car for my 40th birthday. I know it's going to cost me big time when she gets to 40 though! I'm thinking the gym, plastic surgery and hair implants to make me look younger, otherwise I'll have to fire the pool guy.
Honey, I want a new PST 130 it is going to cost us $XXX. Is there anything you would like that would be in the same price range?


this is the one I use. except I buy it first and then tell to go splurge on herself for the same amount of money. usually works. :wink:
A chick tip?

Show her you" thought of the relationship first" (translation, buy her something just as frivolous, jewellery works like a dandy)

And she won't even think about the tank.

ROFLMAO, this sounds just like my ex-wife. "Buy me jewellery and I'll be happy." The problem is that guys know about as much about jewellery as women know about power tools. A few years ago I bought her this nice diamond and sapphire ring for Christmas. I thought "Man she's going to love this and I picked it out all by myself." I was so proud. WRONG. Almost as soon as she took it out of the box she was looking at it under a bright light grading the stones as low quality and construction as inferior. I ended up taking it back and buying her another one that she picked out so she wouldn't complane about it.

Moral of the story...Guys, don't buy her jewellery without her written consent.
I have had some rotten luck with picking presents myself. I have no idea why I ever thought she would like a jigsaw puzzle with a picture of antique cars for her 20th birthday. Who can figure women?

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