Guys, I totally understand what you're saying.
But DCBC has been seriously disrupting Scubaboard for months with a long string of highly cynical and highly negative anti-recreational diver/instructor POV warrior moans and it's time he explained himself.
At this point I wonder if he even *can* explain himself. He's been saying so many things and so many of those things don't check out, compare or even appear to be compatible (as indicated in previous posts), that I wonder if his obsessive compulsive *need* to discredit everyone and everything that doesn't meet with his narcissistic approval is even based in reality.
If this were anyone else, I would just make some jokes about it and move on. But DCBC has earned his reputation and has put himself *way* out there with his POV warrior moan and I think it is (a) reasonable and (b) responsible to confront him with it.
I know it doesn't come across as any kind of big group hug but I don't think it should at this point after months of POV warrior moaning. As a point of order, we started in this thread not taking things seriously and even ended up talking about vasectomies but DCBC couldn't let it go (as no addict ever can) and while you might not expect him to back down, you shouldn't blatantly accept his obsessive-compulsive behaviour without expecting a response from someone!
(even if that someone is only the point-man)
I can understand that this thread has totally gone to hell (as most of the POV warrior moans usually do in one way or another) but don't blame me for it.....
If you want to continue with this POV Warrior crap. You can have the thread to yourself. I don't need to be insulted by you or anyone else on this board. If you really want to discuss matters, stop being so abusive and act like the gentleman that I thought you were before this conversation started.
1. You asked me: "Are you a PADI Instructor or not?" "I think you owe people a clear statement of the context from which you're writing." "What are you really? At this point I don't think anyone knows."
In response, I've told you what I am. I asked for your credentials to ascertain the context from which you are writing. You ignore my request. Why is that?
Is it that you tell me what to do and I do it, but the conversation is omni-directional? Do you want a conversation or are you just standing on your soap box to make a point?
2. I don't understand your claims. I've taught recreational diving for 39 years and somehow I'm "anti-recreational diver/instructor?" Where do you get-off in making such unsubstantiated statements?
3. My posts are consistent. Because you can't understand the context in-which my statements have been made from one thread to another over time, only indicates to me that you come to outlandish conclusions before you have all of the information.
For example, I have a card that says I have Emeritus status as a PADI Instructor. From what I understood from PADI when I retired, this means that I'm a non-teaching PADI Instructor for life.
Am I a PADI Instructor? Yes, a retired one. I further explained to you that I taught for PADI for 17 years, but no longer teach through PADI. Your retort? You say you're a PADI Instructor and then you say you aren't.

I've told you my "PADI story" more than once. Perhaps you just can't accept it because the experiences of someone else don't match your own. I don't know. All I can honestly relate is my perspective.
4. If you want this resolved, I suggest that you:
a) Maintain a sense of politeness;
b) Provide your credentials and help me understand your perspective;
c) Make a list of things that you "don't think checks out."
Once received, I will address these and we can move forward.