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I think you guys should let this go.

We ALL know: That DCBC thinks diver training used to be better than it is now, and thinks the way he runs his classes is better than the typical recreational OW class (and it may be -- I don't know. But he thinks it is, which is fine) and that he doesn't like some mainstream agencies.

We've seen a myriad of threads on this topic in the last year. I think we've done this to death and beyond, and we should all give it a rest for a while.

And I think this is the first time in almost five years that I have posted that I think a thread should be simply allowed to die.

It's either this subject or another deep air thread if history is any judge. Pick your poison. :D
I teach recreational divers

I train divers who are serious about moving forward and taking on new challenges like tech diving, diving commercially, or with the military. I teach on a military base.

In the last thread where we butted heads you were first saying you were a PADI instructor and when I pointed out that this was not the case and that you had left PADI decades ago and hadn't taught a PADI course in over 20 years you said you were not a PADI instructor and denied every saying it.

So what's it going to be Wayne,

- I'm a recreational instructor
- I teach commercial and military diving on on military base
- I'm a PADI instructor
- I'm not a PADI instructor

Spend some time and get the story straight. If you want to obsessively moan about training and the evils of recreational agencies, their divers and their instructors then I think you owe people a clear statement of the context from which you're writing.

What are you really? At this point I don't think anyone knows.

What are you really? At this point I don't think anyone knows.

It seems that everyone wants to let this thread die. Obviously you don't; so I'll answer your questions. My story hasn't changed:

a) SCUBA Instructor (Instructor Trainer Examiner) with ACUC;
b) CMAS Instructor Trainer (Air/Nitrox/Trimix/OC/CCR) 3 Star Instructor;
c) Emeritus PADI Instructor, having taught PADI for 17 years. I've previously explained (in great detail) why I left;
d) Past NAUI and IDEA Instructor;
e) Past Military Diving Instructor (Fleet Diving Unit - Atlantic);
f) Past Commercial Diving Instructor (Seneca College);
g) DCBC/IMCA Diver/Supervisor/Instructor ticket for Unrestricted Air, Mixed Gas and Closed Bell (saturation);
h) I currently teach recreational diving at a military diving club;
i) I've been diving for 45 years and teaching for the past 39;
j) 39 years Navy and Commercial Diving experience;
k) Employed as a Diving Consultant for Big Oil.

My profile and introduction in the "Commercial Divers" area may fill you in a little more and I'm happy to discuss more detail with you via PM including my full instructor qualifications if this helps.

Now perhaps you might post your diving background for me to examine, so I know where you're coming from.
I didn't ask for your resume. I asked you to clarify if you are really teaching recreational divers or if you are teaching (beginning) commerical and military divers.

Give us a straight answer to this, please. I think it's important, given all of the anti recreational POV warrior threads you've started, to establish what your focus is.

Giving us a list of your C-cards doesn't answer the question.

The question I'm asking is what you *actually* teach? You said you teach on a military base to future commercial and miltary divers. Is this what you do or not?

Listing your C cards doesn't answer this question. You're still evading the basic question, which is what you actually do.

I don't care what you're qualified to do, I want to know what you *really* do, if we can even believe you after all of the mixed messages you've (deliberatately or not) given us.

And I'd like to see some proof of this because you're story is so all over the map that it's hard to believe anything you say, to be honest.

Rob, chill. If you were here I'd ask you to sit down and offer you a Shaftebury Coastal Cream Ale. It's not Granville Island Brewery, but it is made in Delta, BC (that's all I have in the fridge right now). I would also offer you some Alberta Pure "triple distilled for the ultimate purity" Vodka but I know you don't like hard liquor. After all Wayne, you and I are Canadian. We're supposed to be peaceful and friendly.

Wayne has a knack for pushing some of your buttons, but really, as King pointed out, he's not doing anything "wrong" in the strict sense of the law. Wayne, you do seem to get a perverse pleasure in pushing the buttons of Rob, NetDoc and others. Try to behave.

With that out of the way I would have to disagree with those that advocate the idea that we should let threads like this and deep air die and never bring them out of the grave again. If we behave, relax and realize that this is just cyberworld, not real world, we could then easily see that these posts oftentimes bring in new valid and interesting points of view. Another good indicator is that these threads often generate a considerable amount of posts -- 264 in this one so far. For example, for me personally, this thread got me thinking that instead of blaming agencies or instructors, the individual student diver has the ultimate responsibility of taking ownership of his own safety.

Guys, this is cyberworld. Don't sweat the small stuff -- in cyberworld everything is small stuff.
Damn, fire diver beat me to the post button with the chill message -- it seems that Alberta Pure Vodka does indeed reduce your reaction time.




Seriously, just go smoke a bowl, chill out, and let it go.

Now where the hell is that ignore button.....
Guys, I totally understand what you're saying.

But DCBC has been seriously disrupting Scubaboard for months with a long string of highly cynical and highly negative anti-recreational diver/instructor POV warrior moans and it's time he explained himself.

At this point I wonder if he even *can* explain himself. He's been saying so many things and so many of those things don't check out, compare or even appear to be compatible (as indicated in previous posts), that I wonder if his obsessive compulsive *need* to discredit everyone and everything that doesn't meet with his narcissistic approval is even based in reality.

If this were anyone else, I would just make some jokes about it and move on. But DCBC has earned his reputation and has put himself *way* out there with his POV warrior moan and I think it is (a) reasonable and (b) responsible to confront him with it.

I know it doesn't come across as any kind of big group hug but I don't think it should at this point after months of POV warrior moaning. As a point of order, we started in this thread not taking things seriously and even ended up talking about vasectomies but DCBC couldn't let it go (as no addict ever can) and while you might not expect him to back down, you shouldn't blatantly accept his obsessive-compulsive behaviour without expecting a response from someone!

(even if that someone is only the point-man)

I can understand that this thread has totally gone to hell (as most of the POV warrior moans usually do in one way or another) but don't blame me for it.....

Guys, I .......

But DCBC .......

At this point ..... obsessive compulsive ...... discredit everyone and everything ...... narcissistic ........

But DCBC has .......

POV warrior moaning............... but DCBC ..............

couldn't let it go (as no addict ever can)

POV warrior moans .......

but don't blame me for it.....


couldn't let it go (as no addict ever can)
Guys, I totally understand what you're saying.

But DCBC has been seriously disrupting Scubaboard for months with a long string of highly cynical and highly negative anti-recreational diver/instructor POV warrior moans and it's time he explained himself.

At this point I wonder if he even *can* explain himself. He's been saying so many things and so many of those things don't check out, compare or even appear to be compatible (as indicated in previous posts), that I wonder if his obsessive compulsive *need* to discredit everyone and everything that doesn't meet with his narcissistic approval is even based in reality.

If this were anyone else, I would just make some jokes about it and move on. But DCBC has earned his reputation and has put himself *way* out there with his POV warrior moan and I think it is (a) reasonable and (b) responsible to confront him with it.

I know it doesn't come across as any kind of big group hug but I don't think it should at this point after months of POV warrior moaning. As a point of order, we started in this thread not taking things seriously and even ended up talking about vasectomies but DCBC couldn't let it go (as no addict ever can) and while you might not expect him to back down, you shouldn't blatantly accept his obsessive-compulsive behaviour without expecting a response from someone!

(even if that someone is only the point-man)

I can understand that this thread has totally gone to hell (as most of the POV warrior moans usually do in one way or another) but don't blame me for it.....

Rob ... you're a nice guy. And Pete's a nice guy. And I personally like both of you. But I really think the two of you need to consider calming down a bit.

Everybody bugs somebody.

Yanno what bugs the crap outta me?

POV Warrior

You know it's a perjorative term. So does Pete. So do the folks it's directed toward. So does everybody who reads the threads where you guys are so fond of using it.

It reflects badly on you ... on Pete ... and on ScubaBoard ... because you come across like a couple of intolerant "bosses" who like to tell everybody else what to do ... but are unwilling to take your own advice. If he bugs you, use the Ignore button, like all the rest of us have been told to do.

AFAIK - Wayne hasn't broken any rules for posting here. So you don't like his perspective ... frankly, I'm not particularly fond of it either. But to paraphrase a famous statement, I may not like what he has to say, but I'll defend his right to say it.

If you and Pete ... who seem to be the ones most vocal about this ... really want to prevent him from making his posts, it is in your power to prevent him ... just ban the dude and be done with it.

Or, better yet, just stop responding to him ... it makes the two of you come across like a couple of sandlot bullies ... which nobody really wants to see.

Wayne's got his personal soapbox ... everybody knows what it is. Why not just sit back and give the people who read his posts some credit for having the ability to decide for themselves how much credibility they want to put on what he has to say.

We don't need anybody "protecting" us from the big, bad POV Warriors ... and it only makes you look bad ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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