That is a recent change. At the time I bought my reg, the program included no such stipulation. It was only about 5 years ago. I still have all the paperwork, the "free parts for life" card that was included etc.
The new program has been in effect from SP for a long while. At least 5 years. What you have is a relic and no longer is offered.
The deal is that you have to purchase a reg set, a bcd and a computer within a one year period from an authorized SP dealer. Proof of purchase of each item must be submitted to Scubapro (forget the warranty card) and you will then receive free parts kits for your regs only provided that you have them serviced by a SP dealer within two years of purchase and then at 24 month intervals thereafter. Don't miss your window! IIRC this only applies to items purchased in the US.
You're right - SP used to be much more generous with their parts programs. They still support batteries for life for their much older computers provided that you are the original purchaser and can prove it.