You sure make some interesting posts to SB. I am not terribly familiar with the Aqua Lung i300C or its logging application. I am very familiar with another Pelagic Pressure Systems computer, the Oceanic VT3, and it older logging application. I assume that the switch from blue to red in the dive profile represents going from NDL into deco. The yellow vertical line likely represents fast ascent. It appears that your friend cleared the deco obligation prior to surfacing and, thus, avoided violation gauge mode.
Here is a log from my VT3. In this case, I went into deco, and cleared it several minutes before ascending. My logging app allows me to look at dive details. In this case I only had a maximum decompression obligation of 4 minutes, some of it cleared before making the stop.
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View attachment 661110
My advice to your friend would be to understand his dive computer and be aware of what it is telling him. If he is able to access dive details, it is likely he can come to understand what happened on this particular dive. The fast ascent speaks for itself, good thing he controlled it prior to surfacing.
To be perfectly honest, this example frightens me with regard to the knowledge and behavior of some divers. More than occasionally, I am asked why I think someone's computer does not seem to be working normally. My most frequent answer is that your computer is in violation gauge mode because you missed a mandatory deco stop.