The no dive and desaturation times are simply tools to help divers known when it is safe to fly or ascend to significant elevation. The 24 hour no fly time is very conservative. As you know, the recommendation is 12 hours for a single no deco dive and 18 hours for multiday and/or repetitive no deco dives. The no fly time for decompression dives in "longer". The desaturation time is the amount of time until all your compartments are fully desaturated. This is usually less than 24 hours, but may exceed it for multiple days of repetitive dives. On Shearwater computers, you can view the remaining compartment loading by viewing the tissue loading graph.
The no fly and desaturation times are not directly connected to your repetitive dives. There will always be a desaturation time during repetitive dives. The residual nitrogen load is taken into account in your NDL and can be checked ahead of time in your NDL planner. I'm sure you have looked at your NDL planner before a 1st, clean dive, compared to a repetitive dive.
Again, this does raise a question regarding the content of your dive master training program. What would you have replied if one of your divers asked you this very question?