If that includes parts and labor for a MK5 and a 109 it's very reasonable. Two caveats; one, the tech needs to be familiar with these regs, many are not, and two, there are upgrade parts for the 109 that are likely needed, and that will probably push the cost a bit higher. You could leave the 109 unbalanced, in which case it probably needs a duro poppet and maybe a new lever, or convert it to balanced, in which case it needs the s-wing poppet, balance chamber, and new spring, plus the possibility of the new lever.
More likely that price is labor only. Still not too bad.
Labor "usually" runs in the $25 a stage + parts, so you are likely in the ballpark (but I'm thinking parts will be extra). Make sure the MK-5 is the "heavy yoke" if you are using 3000 psi tanks...
Thanks guys, I bought if off a forum member here and he said it had been serviced over a year ago so I am assuming it has some newer parts. He did say the 1st stage needed to be serviced though. I guess I'll open up the second stage when I get it and post some pics to see what I am dealing with. Also I did see on the pictures that is says "3000 PSI" on the top if the yoke which should mean it is the "newest" yoke and should be fine with 3000 psi.