Halloween MegaDive @ Ginnie Springs!

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Thx Gibbon. He who can monkey style Kung Fu without training!
The Man, the myth,... the mystery of the Gibbon!

BTW,... I have added the party to the calendar. I will mainly be going by the list HERE which I will be having updated Monday or so. I am still waiting to hear from some people as to whether they are to be added. The list is mainly for me to have a headcount for food and activities. There will be no guest list to check in on. If you want to come out and join us, don't worry about being excluded because you didn't "sign up". This is an open invite to Scubaboard and anyone you want to bring. It also doesn't matter whether you have been active, or whether you have just joined. The more the better for diving with! Come out and meet the crew. Find a buddy or group and go have fun!
We're planning on checking in Friday afternoon.

I'm thinking about diving Ginnie and the Devil's system with two tanks on Saturday, then checking out on Sunday and driving 40 min south to do 1 tank in Blue Grotto and 1 tank in Devil's Den (within a mile of each other) on the way back to Orlando.

Having never dived any of these - does that sound reasonable?
Will anyone else be doing dives other than Ginnie?
And... are these jam-packed (and silty) on the weekends?
We're planning on checking in Friday afternoon.

I'm thinking about diving Ginnie and the Devil's system with two tanks on Saturday, then checking out on Sunday and driving 40 min south to do 1 tank in Blue Grotto and 1 tank in Devil's Den (within a mile of each other) on the way back to Orlando.

Having never dived any of these - does that sound reasonable?
Will anyone else be doing dives other than Ginnie?
And... are these jam-packed (and silty) on the weekends?
Sunday is often the worse of the two days at the popular springs - according to the owners when i have talked with them. The two other springs on the way back both cost $30 a piece, i would personally get the most out of one or the other with two tanks if possible rather than spend all that cash on two dives. It doesnt sound unreasonable to do it in any fashion, just whatever you feel you can afford. I found enough to do in Devils Den going clockwise and counterclockwise around the basin for almost an entire tank each direction. I would like more to do at Blue Grotto to spend more than one tank there, but if you want to practice skills it has a nice wide open area before the hole that goes back into the cavern. As for silty, they both can get that way as there is next to no flow and there are lots of classes that use them, particularly on the weekend. If you havent really dove Ginnie at all, i was still finding little things of interest around the ballroom during my cavern class there that i hadnt noticed on the previous 10 dives in there.
I am so glad to here everyone made it alive through the storms thank god for four wheel drive but man i am still pulling pine needles and pine cones and bark out of my grill, thats what those signs ment Closed Road
vroom vroom vroom i went blazin a trail through the water jet skis were riding my wakes lol.

Keep my name to the list and maybe one other

was at blue grotto sunday nice empty hardly any divers exepect these guys in a black f250. I know i have dove in some pretty bad weather but at least all my equimpment was in great shape and fit. Yall should of seen this guy trying to squeeze into this wet suit and do i mean squeeze it took the will of god and two other people to pull no stretch the sides closed enough to zip it up just to watch it rip. And his bc oh my gosh it look like and xsmall t-shirt i did not see any weight pouches anyways he was diving no telling what depth but was deep enough that when his tank slipped out of his bc and he took his bc off to carry it up the tank fell all the way out ripped the reg out of his mouth. he got a mouth full of water and hauled azz to the suface only to encounter the ceiling crashing into his head nice nice nice chunk left floating in the water. man oh man some people

NOT just people floating on top facing away from the dock me and my buddy were talking and we heard leaves rustling then next thing you know a scuba squirrel came flying down from about hmmmm maybe thiry feet smacked the cold water and hauled butt to the rocks. maybe he was wanting advanced or altitude c-card oh well good laughs
hopefully, yes... it should start going down in a week or two
Sounds like a blast. I made arrangements for someone to take my kids trick-or-treating, so all that's left to do is take my hurricane/camping kit and throw it in the car.

I'll probably be there Saturday morning and camp overnight.
And maybe I can get my spare equipment back from you and 8Buck if you guys remember to bring it.

I'll toss my tent(s) in any available location. Last time I was between 40 and 41, and it looked like there was room for many more around there. Lemme as a question though. If I pay for camping, doesn't that give me the ability to take/create more room for more campers? I mean, if 30 show up, and we all pay for camping, then we could take up 30 campsites. I know we'll probably gather in 3 or 4 areas, but it shouldn't be a major concern, right?


Strangers have the best candy :wink:
Okay...I know this just adds to the fickle stereotype of women, but you can put my name back on the list. I am flying back from my business trip on Friday evening, so I will be able to drive up on Saturday morning. So, Chuck...that means you still owe me a cavern dive (fingers crossed it will be possible by then!).

The question now is-does anyone have a camp site that they want to share? I wasn't sure if Krista's was all booked up, but I just have a tent and would be willing to share a site with anyone else (I might even share my breakfast with you! :wink:).

Look forward to seeing you all then. DeepSeaWolf-Let me know what I can bring. I will be happy to bake or bring anything that might be needed. :)
"If I pay for camping, doesn't that give me the ability to take/create more room for more campers?"

Every person has to pay for camping.
You can take up as much space as you want in the primitive areas, but for electric (numbered sites) you have to pay an aditional $7 I think.

BTW, I JUST got home from work to find my power back on :)

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