Halloween MegaDive @ Ginnie Springs!

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Bueller? Bueller? Somebody from O-town... Simon? Bringin' th' mum, ay? Snag th' banner fer the Jamie will ya? Come on!!!! Oh well, guess he's wimpin' out. :)
We'll miss the everjonesing diver! Better be at the next one or we're filling your wetsuit with itching powder! Hmmm,... then it becomes itching mud when it gets wet. YUCK!
As for the banner,...
I'd say, wrap it up and mail it, postage due on delivery. If ya want to, I'll pm my address. I'm building an official/non-official megadive locker. It will stay stocked with plates, cups, nappies, and other essentials. After the party, I could either mail it back, or hold on to it until the April megadive, or hand it off at the Manatee dive in December. I plan on having a VOA banner made soon, just for parties. I will be changing my avatar to my trident soon. Hmmm...

we are hoping that this banner will travel extensively. :D Whatever club needs it only needs to ask for it and then pass it on.
Bueller? Bueller? Somebody from O-town... Simon? Bringin' th' mum, ay? Snag th' banner fer the Jamie will ya? Come on!!!! Oh well, guess he's wimpin' out. :)
We'll miss the everjonesing diver! Better be at the next one or we're filling your wetsuit with itching powder! Hmmm,... then it becomes itching mud when it gets wet. YUCK!
Trust me, i am hating missing this! I will be there for the manatees and next spring - you can count on my attendance (this includes death, just take my casket up :wink: ). My mother is just not built from the same jonesing diver mould :wink:
I am still up in the air on this one. I wanna go, but can't commit just yet. If I end up on the positive side, I would be willing to be the "banner carrier".
I know I'm gonna get my reg snatched out for that one.
What the,... HEY! Who put that bungee cord on my weight bel... Ahh funny!!!!!
(Bad German scientist accent) Ve haff seen vot yoo did to zee uzzer diver viss da bunjee cord! Shmack you! I vill SCHMAK you down if yoo do ziss to me funny guy!

we are hoping that this banner will travel extensively. :D Whatever club needs it only needs to ask for it and then pass it on.

Thats a pretty nifty idea to get the word around about the forums to divers that aren't as internet savvy. Cool beans :dazzler1:
I recieved an email from Rose today, and called Ginnie! Ginnie IS NOW OPEN!!!!
Katie said the water at main has receded back over the platforms, but lower levels of the parking lot may be flooded until next week. The devil area is still closed, but expected to clear out by Tuesday potentially. The longer the time frame, the better the chance. The river is undiveable, as are the twin springs.Their condition next weekend is still in question. Our campsite rez still stands if we choose to use it.
As for Manatee... the main is still flooded with no real chance of it receding enough to be open by NEXT weekend. This means no SWIMMING is available for bubblewatchers.The mosquito problem has NOT improved and with the diver limit and the potential number we have coming, even getting in a few dives may be bad after silting. Hence the chaos of megadive. I have cancelled the rez at Manatee, in fvaor of Ginnie, as was originally planned. It was nice to have that as a fallback, but with nobody answering phones or emails for so long, it was better to have had something than nothing. Things have improved in our favor quickly. Now we WILL have basic swimming for non-divers, diving for those who wish to, potentially even cave diving will be available. Short river drifts would then be available if only from devil to main.
Ginnie sites #40 and 41 are still the place for the party.
I will now refer to this as Chaos Megadive. Both for the flooding chaos and for that which is expected to ensue in our camping area! I apologize for the flip-flop.
If you see Mother Nature at Ginnie, thank her for the confusion. :)
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Scuba Party.

My buddy is gonna be tired of me calling him up and telling him the changes of plans on where we're staying - not that it matters :)
I recieved an email from Rose today, and called Ginnie! Ginnie IS NOW OPEN!!!!
Katie said the water at main has receded back over the platforms, but lower levels of .

Whiplash! OK - I was planning on going down to Venice this weekend based on the change of venue to Manatee. Now I have a decision to make.

I'll get back to you...

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