Halloween MegaDive @ Ginnie Springs!

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So far, I'm still in. Should be over on Saturday Morning. Oh, and the little road that is in front of 40/41... it does say "Keep Right" but since you're only going 40' into it, go for it.
Arr! I be pondrin' me pirate name fer a bit. Suggestions have come aboard as to what ta be callin meself fer tha party. Cap'n Deepseawolf had a nice ring to it. However, as I'm lew ta git a bit fersnickered, the character is ta be a drunkard. Take Cap'n Sparrow up a few notches and let him have it! Then ya be get'n nearer ta me fancy. Cap'n Tankard? Cap'n Crunch came ta mind, but the first mate said somethin bout copycat infyoonjment. I've no idea what that be, but it sounds like I prefer to be avoidin that.
I've also been thinkin bout me costume. Ta be a pirate, ye must look the part. I'd considered a nice jacket and briefase. I'd even thought of a name fer im...
Isaac Robert Smith. Then addin to that, the eyepatch, and a scarf about the noggin. So of all this, I be sayin, that will be as it is. The party host will be Cap'n Smith, Isaac Robert to be exact. Beware the most heathenest blaggard ever ta roam the midlands. Pleased ta be of service to ye.

Just pick ONE of them, and make the call... Remember, realizing you have a problem is the first step to recovery... :eyebrow:
This is the second week in a row that my company hasn't had enough work to keep me busy, combine that with still trying to recover from the financial havoc that the 'canes left me, and I find that I have to cancel.

Well, at least Ken is now saved from the evil clutches of the insane cave dweller that would wrap him in bungee cords & drag him to his awful death inside of a dark, cold, waterfilled cave. :drejnd: Maybe we could send the banner through the mail, LOL.

I am gonna miss seeing you guys, and don't forget to blow some bubbles for me.


Bought a new camera, this trip will be her maiden voyage :) Yet another reason, I'm looking forward to Fri/Sat/Sun :D
Today I picked up the tarp for the campsite,... a 20x40, and a water hose and reel with a sprayer for rinsing gear, putting out fires, keeping people away from the food before it's ready,...
I also picked up the electrical post/stake with three outlets. I will be bringing a few extension cords for accessories as well. We should be able to get power to anybody who needs it. Lighting, fans, stereos, laptops with DVD players, 52" projection screen tv,... oh wait, Simon was bringing that, but he wimped out on us.
NO 52" tv this time. DRAT!
Maneater and I will be sorting gear to load in the van tomorrow so I can be ready to roll on Friday. The only things I will be getting foodwise will probably be chicken, condiments, hamburgers, and buns. So any other food items like side dishes, will be a BYO basis unless someone else brings them. I still have plenty of sodas, but chips could be other items to bring.
I have in stock,... sodas, plates, cups, plasticware, napkins/paper towels, and trash bags. there may be other items, I'll have it all sorted and loaded tomorrow.
Firewood will be needed, both oak and pine. You can bring pumpkins, and/or gourds for carving, and games/painting. Marshmallows and Graham crackers for smores is also an option. I will have a few coolers, but they will be fairly full. If you bring chilled items, we will try to find places for them until use time. I have some foam coolers laying around I'll pack in. Don't forget your bug spray! The vampires get bad at night and early morning. A gallon or two of citronella torch oil is ALWAYS welcome!
I have four torches and Gibbon has a few as well. It usually looks like a tiki party when we light them all up! If anything else needed comes to mind, I'll post it.
If you want the banner, it's too late to mail. Anyone in the Orlando area is free to pick it up... It's a cool banner and we had it at yesterday's meet n greet.
Well, dadburnit! I'm out... Ken, I'll PM you and let you know why, but I hate do say it, but I'll have to catch you on the next one...

Looks like another weekend of browsing through the strongbad emails again instead of diving... Actually I'm working on a book/website that contains historical and dive information about the wrecks and reefs around Florida. I've got over 300 wrecks so far, and would like to begin soliciting information from divers that have been on them to get dive profiles, loran/gps numbers, and sketches/pictures of the wrecks as they are now. Of course, I'll include your names on any information you provide, and I'll post it in another thread when I get ready.

I'll catch you guys on the next dive

D'Oh, numbers are getting a little thin... more food for us? :)

I can bring chips, will you have enough hamburger and chicken? Let us know how we can contribute - we'd like to pull our weight.
These are the divers who have no said a definite NO to coming as I understand it. Some may be disabled or diving, but are coming anyway. Some may not be coming, but this is a relatively close list.

OWSISScuba & dive club

If anyone else wants to join in, don't worry about not coming because you aren't on the list! GET OVER HERE AND JOIN US!!! Still @ Ginnie Springs, too.
This is just to let people know who MIGHT be there, and to give me an idea for food costs. We will have plenty! Show up, have fun, get wet!
Helpful items to bring;
Side dishes, (tater salad, mac n cheez, baked beans)
extra chicken leg quarters, burgers, and burger buns
hot dogs and buns
firewood: oak for cooking, pine for campfire
citronella torch oil, gallons preferred
chips of any kind
chip dips of any kind, although ranch and french onion seem 2 B most popular
marshmallows and graham crackers for smores at night
bug spray for adults, and kids
bags of ice
your preferred beverage, although I have a lot of sodas
(Thx Simon!) Still WELL stocked!
Any alcoholic mix ya may want, if ya want
games for kids/adults
deserts, candy
funds for donation to party costs
camp chairs
roaster wires for marshmallows at night (Walmart camping department 4 pk)
I have a few of these, full metal coathangers work well for short distances also

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