Halcyon sueing OxyCheq, US Divers and others?

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The court of public opinion is not held to the same standards as the court of law.
I know, Genesis. But fairness and common sense ought to be part of it.

A lot of things that are not actionable (or criminal) in the legal sense are nonetheless distasteful, and the consuming public have every right to pass judgement on those actions.
Then judge those actions. My post was largely about the fact that so far no one has shown any proof that either JJ or Halcyon have taken any direct actions. Remember, neither filed the suit.
If you want to judge Carmichael and/or his business(es) go right ahead.

I never met the guy (not that I'm aware of, anyway), and don't have the legal knowledge to judge the merits. So I don't judge him, which is my right I believe.

California IS NOT the United States....

Way I hear it if the folks in Washington and Nevada had a say in it. California would not BE in the United States..

Sorry Back to the regular programming

I am judging Carmichael..... and who he is associated with.

Those who are associated with him through known links in the diving industry are free to repudiate those associations any time they'd like. If/when they do, then they will no longer be painted with his brush.

Until then they're standing right beside him and the spraygun full of black paint will naturally leave some overspray - IMHO, right where it belongs.
Yeah, and if the dive industry as a whole wasn't more crooked than Tricky Dick JJ's crew would have been sent packing by DEMA the next morning.

They weren't and that says all I need to know about DEMA - which, by the way, sprung up after the SRA was sued out of existance (literally!) by the federal government (the FTC) over their attempt at blackballing a snorkel manufacturer who had the audacity to want to sell via mail order.

Damn, here I go agreeing with Karl again. What is the world coming to?
neither are Scubapro, Aqualung nor Mares. Does the nepotism extend to them, too?

I don't know why they aren't named, but I doubt whoever is behind this whole suit has the financial power to battle them nor are they direct competition, whereas they would small companies that are in direct competition. Also, EE is a dealer for SP and AL, maybe that has something to do with it, maybe it doesn't, but the fact still exists.

You want to talk of common sense but yet still refuse to see the obvious connections. You are judged by the company you keep.

Genesis - with respect, dude - you're REALLY reaching here. You're running around connecting a lot of dots just on your own whims and fancies - and now you're trying to blame Halcyon for killing IDI?

For heaven's sake - there is a judicial system. Why don't you stop passing judgement and let the Judge do that?

And Weekender - no. I have never heard a DIR instructor tell people to buy Halcyon. Ever. I know they like it for a variety of reasons, but you can be totally DIR compliant without a single stitch of Halcyon gear.

In fact, I challenge you to find ANY GUE graduate who would say their instructor told them to buy Halcyon anything. Certain components may have been recommended, and Halcyon perhaps provided as an example of a wing that does meet those components, but for the most part, they're actually quite careful around the "H" word.

Did you just finish that Gallon of Cherry Aid? Dude, your coming close to becoming your own worst enemy here. What in the world do you think DIR is for? GUE and "DIR" are nothing more than H's marketing ploy/dept. Doing it Right - The Fundementals is a book that many have read. They have H's gear throughout the book. There is not a picture of gear w/o an H on it! Don't tell me there actually quite careful areound the "H" word. Wake UP and quit drinking that fluid.
Did you just finish that Gallon of Cherry Aid? Dude, your coming close to becoming your own worst enemy here. What in the world do you think DIR is for? GUE and "DIR" are nothing more than H's marketing ploy/dept. Doing it Right - The Fundementals is a book that many have read. They have H's gear throughout the book. There is not a picture of gear w/o an H on it! Don't tell me there actually quite careful areound the "H" word. Wake UP and quit drinking that fluid.

Wake up and take the class. Did Fundies last year and never heard Halcyon mentioned once. To top it off, I was the only one w/a halcyon wing. You sure are quick to jump into insults without basis.
Wake up and take the class. Did Fundies last year and never heard Halcyon mentioned once. To top it off, I was the only one w/a halcyon wing. You sure are quick to jump into insults without basis.

Did not say a thing about the instructional classes steffen now did I. There are certainly 100 fold more who have bought that book than who have taken the class.....and you mean with bias don't you?
Did not say a thing about the instructional classes steffen now did I. There are certainly 100 fold more who have bought that book than who have taken the class.....and you mean with bias don't you?

No, I mean basis, as in basis in fact. Your Kool aid reference was enough insult which you reached for in knee jerk fashion. You attribute DIR as solely based on Halcyon Gear and cite their "Fundamentals" book as support for your position. Then, when argument is proffered in opposition to your viewpoint, you flame someone. The thread was started discussing a law suit in which a manufacturer is claiming patent infringement. This suit will work its way through a long judicial process before sufficient facts to support or deny their claim is at hand. You argue the merits of the case strictly on hearsay and turn it into an "us" vs. "DIR" argument. Why not wait and see the facts as presented in court before solidifying your opinion one way or the other?
Mike, I'm going to ignore the insults from you here because I know you know better, and I think higher of you than that.

Let me just say this - please provide an example of any DIR instructor who tells their students to purchase anything made of Halcyon. Ever. Furthermore, please provide an example of something required in order to be DIR which is only available from Halcyon. Anything at all.

Thank you.

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